External sound/skins No Imports

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External sound/skins No Imports

Unread post by Ivan1Swanson »

Hello, I was wondering if you could help me out. First off, my name is Ivan and I really enjoy creating maps. My most recent project is a massive rpg type free roam with the ability to be good or evil. My map size was way too big so I had to improvise. After a few hours of searching i stumbled across a tutorial to make warcraft maps draw models from a folder in the warcraft directory outside of the mpq. I have had no problems getting models to work but I cannnot reference sound files in that folder or make blp skins override the in game skins. I figured that using jass there could be a way to run sounds from outside the mpq sounds. I have expieremted by using jass call functions to play music or sounds by putting in the file path to the sound I want but it seems not to be able to reference sounds outside of the mpq file. I don't really want to edit the mpq. I'd Like to be able to send my friends the folder for all the models, skins, and sounds. That way my map will be small yet I can still have alot of custom units, buildings, spells, and various other things. I Heard you have done some work using the same method I used thus far but you were able to get sounds to work. Can you help me use skins and sounds from an external folder without importing via world editor importer?

Also, I am trying to create a universal trigger to run an accept or not accept dialog for many quests(50+) because in the game im creating there will be two sides of each quest where you can play the antagonist or the protagonist. Keep in mind this game is for 3-6 people. I would like to create a way to accept quests after you are given some story behind it without making a couple hundred accept triggers and dialog setups. I'm aware that loop statements could make setting up dialogs fairly easy but still if you have any other ideas I would much apreciate any help you could offer.

P.S Sorry for my terrible grammar. Grammar is my worst subject. :( On the other hand im a big fan of your work and I find you sense of humour most amusing. lol I sound like im trying to flatter my way into getting help so don't take it the wrong way I being truthful. Anyhow help if you can otherwise ill try to just work with I got. Thanks

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Re: External sound/skins No Imports

Unread post by 3ICE »

Well I'm sorry to say you must have heard wrong as I don't use custom assets on principle. Tiniest map size has always been my goal. This method of saving some map size is never a good idea as your map will be unplayable on Battle.net by everyone except the few who have those extra files outside the map in their wc3 folders. It will likely be just you who can play your map if you go ahead and do this. Nobody goes to your random website and downloads the zip file containing your 200MB worth of imports. A custom-written map installer helps a bit, but most of us would refuse to run it.

I assume it isn't working because you gave the path to your externals incorrectly, but I'll need to see a sample from your map code to be sure. And I'll need a directory listing of the folder where you keep your externals too.

Yes, a full quest dialog system is in order when you have that many planned. You can try to make your own or just get a vJASS library.

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Re: External sound/skins No Imports

Unread post by Ivan1Swanson »

Your much faster than I anticipated. Im at work, on break thought when I got home I would have reply not my next break lol. However, when I get home I'll work on it again. The map is only for me and 3-4 friends at lan party not for battle net play. We play alot and create alot of things together. As of right now I changed the registry to allow warcraft access to local files and have a folder with models in it. I just wanted to be able to have boss music and bg music for towns and events and perhaps special voices for bosses. I'll link you the tutorial though you said you don't use this method which I guess ill have to get help from someone else. I did have an idea for skins though. I could just get original model files which arnt edited and use model pather to change texture path too new skin. Might work but I'm not sure.

The external folder directory where I store my models is "C:\Program Files(86x)\Warcraft III\QuestMap"

The code I cannot remember exactly but I think I was trying theme command so something like
Call PlayTheme ( "QuestMap\Music\\Town1.mp3" )

Apparently when I choose a directory other than Call PlayTheme ( "Sound\Music\something.mp3" ) it thinks its a string instead of a path to a music file. I am not sure why this is.

On the other hand I have only written out all the quests on paper and haven't implemented a quest system yet. Do you know of a good system or have a good idea for one? I am novice when it comes to writting it in script form but I learn quite quickly and am familiar with a few programming languages.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I'm just glad to find someone I can talk to all my old map making buddies that would "Think Tank" ideas with me don't play anymore. As is right now im swamped with new material that keeps being brought to my attention to implement. Seems like my creativity is just running dry as of late. I don't mean to be a bother or make you think im trying to get you to spoon feed me. I just need a good point in the right direction. Btw could you elaborate on vjass librarys?

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Re: External sound/skins No Imports

Unread post by 3ICE »

I might not use the method but I know how to use it.

You used the escaped backslash (\\) correctly only once out of the 4 occurrences. Make sure you use it consistently. ("\\" instead of "\", everywhere)
Paths are strings.

Sorry, I only use quests for my maps' credits, readmes, and command lists, so my best bet would be Googling: https://www.google.com/search?q=quest+vjass

A collection of standard programs and subroutines that are stored and available for immediate use.

vJASS library:
vJASS introduces libraries – the ability to group data, move it to the map header and make parts of it (...) To declare a library, you must use the „library“ and „endlibrary“ keyword.
It is possible to arrange a library to be dependant on another library.

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Re: External sound/skins No Imports

Unread post by Ivan1Swanson »

Wow, Lol I was calling the wrong method.

call PlayThematicMusic( "QuestMap\\music.mp3" )
The above doesn't not work.

call PlayMusicBJ( "QuestMap\\music.mp3" )
This method does work.

My stupidity aside, thank you for all your help. You have helped me a great deal by just responding with your insightful tidbits.

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Re: External sound/skins No Imports

Unread post by 3ICE »

I've always used call PlayMusic("...") without the BJ.

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