Making Old (pre 1.24) Maps Compatible

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Posts: 7
Joined: Tue Jun 07, 2011 5:09 pm

Re: Making Old (pre 1.24) Maps Compatible

Unread post by soapyboltz »

By "deprotected maze designer script" do you mean the very original script that wouldn't work post v1.24? Or Ian's modified script?

Whats the best way to open and edit the .j file?
Notepad seems to leave the coding in Ian's .j file unformatted (unless that's how it's intended to look). Yet is still functions when imported into the map file?

The exported script from the new map seems nice and formatted in notepad.

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Re: Making Old (pre 1.24) Maps Compatible

Unread post by 3ICE »

I was not aware he modified it. Either way, we want to use the script that works, so go with Ian's.
EDIT: I just went back and checked all the scripts posted in this topic. And as I expected, Ian did not modify the original maze designer script. So you may use whichever, just make sure it is around 200kb (a real script), not 10kb (an empty map's script).

If you don't want to install new software:
Notepad.exe works pretty well and so does WordPad. Just don't use Microsoft Word, it is slow when it comes to basic txt files.

If you want to install a real, proper tool, like a programmer's notepad, I recommend Notepad++.

Protection removes spaces and comments, to make it harder to read. That is why protected scripts appear unformatted. It will work fine, warcraft's parser ignores whitespace.

Posts: 7
Joined: Tue Jun 07, 2011 5:09 pm

Re: Making Old (pre 1.24) Maps Compatible

Unread post by soapyboltz »

Thanks for the notepad++ recommendation.

Should this new map script be able to be just copy/pasted into the old script?

I took the new script, and copied all but the 'globals' (which was first in the coding).
Then pasted the new script into the old script after the old script's 'globals' section.
The globals section of the old script seemed quite heavy with trigger/unit/variable labels, so i didn't want to mess with it.

the new scripting begins at the "Unit Creation" section

Code: Select all

player array e
unit array o
boolean array a
boolean array n
location V=null
location E=null
integer array X
integer O=0
string array R
group I=null
fogmodifier array A
boolean N=false
unit B=null
boolean c=false
integer C=0
boolean array d
integer array D
rect F=null
string G="|cff00ff00Game|r - "
string h="|cff0000ffSetting|r - "
boolean array H
string j="|cffffcc00Notice|r - "
integer array J
player k=null
boolean array K
unit l=null
player L=null
boolean array m
integer array M
integer array P
boolean array q
timer array Q
timerdialog array s
integer array S
integer T=0
boolean array U
dialog w=null
button array W
unit array y
integer Y=0
integer array z
integer array Z
integer array vv
integer array xv
integer array ov
boolean array rv
dialog array iv
boolean array av
real array nv
string array Vv
boolean Xv=false
string array Ov
boolean Rv=false
rect Iv=null
rect Av=null
rect Nv=null
rect bv=null
rect Bv=null
camerasetup Hv=null
trigger jv=null
trigger Jv=null
trigger kv=null
trigger Kv=null
trigger lv=null
trigger Lv=null
trigger mv=null
trigger Mv=null
trigger pv=null
trigger Pv=null
trigger qv=null
trigger Qv=null
trigger sv=null
trigger Sv=null
trigger tv=null
trigger Tv=null
trigger uv=null
trigger Uv=null
trigger wv=null
trigger Wv=null
trigger yv=null
trigger Yv=null
trigger zv=null
trigger Zv=null
trigger ve=null
trigger xe=null
trigger oe=null
trigger re=null
trigger ie=null
trigger ae=null
trigger ne=null
trigger Ve=null
trigger Xe=null
trigger Oe=null
trigger Re=null
trigger Ie=null
trigger Ae=null
trigger Ne=null
trigger be=null
trigger Be=null
trigger ce=null
trigger je=null
trigger Je=null
trigger ke=null
trigger Ke=null
trigger le=null
trigger Le=null
trigger me=null
trigger Me=null
trigger pe=null
trigger Pe=null
trigger qe=null
trigger Qe=null
trigger se=null
trigger Se=null
trigger te=null
trigger Te=null
trigger ue=null
trigger Ue=null
trigger We=null
trigger ye=null
trigger Ye=null
trigger ze=null
trigger Ze=null
trigger vx=null
trigger xx=null
trigger ox=null
trigger rx=null
trigger ix=null
trigger ax=null
trigger nx=null
trigger Vx=null
trigger Xx=null
trigger Ox=null
trigger Rx=null
trigger Ix=null
trigger Ax=null
trigger Nx=null
trigger bx=null
trigger Bx=null
trigger cx=null
trigger Hx=null
trigger jx=null
trigger Jx=null
trigger kx=null
trigger Kx=null
trigger lx=null
trigger Lx=null
trigger mx=null
trigger Mx=null
trigger px=null
trigger Px=null
trigger qx=null
trigger Qx=null
trigger sx=null
trigger Sx=null
trigger tx=null
trigger Tx=null
trigger ux=null
trigger Ux=null
trigger wx=null
trigger Wx=null
trigger yx=null
trigger Yx=null
trigger zx=null
trigger Zx=null
trigger vo=null
trigger xo=null
trigger oo=null
trigger ro=null
trigger io=null
trigger ao=null
trigger no=null
trigger Vo=null
trigger Xo=null
trigger Oo=null
trigger Ro=null
trigger Io=null
trigger Ao=null
trigger No=null
trigger bo=null
trigger Bo=null
trigger Co=null
trigger jo=null
trigger Jo=null
trigger ko=null
trigger Ko=null
trigger lo=null
trigger Lo=null
trigger mo=null
trigger Mo=null
trigger po=null
trigger Po=null
trigger qo=null
trigger Qo=null
trigger so=null
trigger So=null
trigger to=null
trigger To=null
trigger uo=null
trigger Uo=null
trigger wo=null
trigger Wo=null
trigger yo=null
trigger Yo=null
trigger zo=null
trigger Zo=null
trigger vr=null
trigger xr=null
trigger rr=null
trigger ir=null
trigger ar=null
trigger nr=null
trigger Vr=null
trigger Xr=null
trigger Rr=null
trigger Ir=null
trigger Ar=null
trigger Nr=null
trigger br=null
trigger Br=null
trigger cr=null
trigger Cr=null
trigger Hr=null
trigger jr=null
trigger Jr=null
trigger kr=null
trigger Kr=null
trigger lr=null
trigger Lr=null
trigger mr=null
trigger Mr=null
trigger pr=null
trigger Pr=null
trigger qr=null
trigger Qr=null
trigger sr=null
trigger Sr=null
trigger tr=null
trigger Tr=null
trigger ur=null
trigger Ur=null
trigger wr=null
trigger Wr=null
trigger yr=null
trigger Yr=null
trigger zr=null
trigger Zr=null
trigger vi=null
trigger xi=null
trigger oi=null
trigger ri=null
trigger ii=null
trigger ai=null
trigger ni=null
trigger Vi=null
trigger Xi=null
trigger Oi=null
trigger Ri=null
trigger Ii=null
trigger Ai=null
trigger Ni=null
trigger bi=null
trigger Bi=null
trigger Ci=null
trigger ji=null
unit Ji=null
unit ki=null
unit Ki=null
unit li=null
unit Li=null
unit mi=null
unit Mi=null
unit pi=null
unit Pi=null
unit qi=null
unit Qi=null
unit si=null
unit Si=null
unit ti=null
unit Ti=null
unit ui=null
unit Ui=null
unit wi=null
unit Wi=null
unit yi=null
unit Yi=null
unit zi=null
unit Zi=null
unit va=null
unit xa=null
unit oa=null
unit ra=null
unit ia=null
unit aa=null
unit na=null
unit Va=null
unit Xa=null
unit Oa=null
unit Ra=null
event Ia
group Aa
force Na
real ca=.0
real ja=.0
boolexpr Ka=null
//*  Unit Creation

function CreateBuildingsForPlayer8 takes nothing returns nothing
    local player p = Player(8)
    local unit u
    local integer unitID
    local trigger t
    local real life

    set u = CreateUnit( p, 'oalt', 3904.0, -4352.0, 270.000 )
    set u = CreateUnit( p, 'ofor', 4032.0, -4352.0, 270.000 )
    set u = CreateUnit( p, 'otto', 4160.0, -4416.0, 270.000 )

function CreateUnitsForPlayer8 takes nothing returns nothing
    local player p = Player(8)
    local unit u
    local integer unitID
    local trigger t
    local real life

    set u = CreateUnit( p, 'ewsp', 3783.0, -4368.6, 65.832 )
    set u = CreateUnit( p, 'e000', 4077.3, -3979.7, 270.700 )
    set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nvul', 3718.4, -4104.2, 349.914 )

function CreateNeutralPassive takes nothing returns nothing
    local player p = Player(PLAYER_NEUTRAL_PASSIVE)
    local unit u
    local integer unitID
    local trigger t
    local real life

    set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nshe', 4214.4, -4100.6, 94.969 )
    set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nsea', 4098.5, -4098.1, 136.861 )
    set u = CreateUnit( p, 'npig', 3969.2, -4105.4, 348.145 )
    set u = CreateUnit( p, 'nvlk', 3838.6, -4095.7, 24.313 )

function CreatePlayerBuildings takes nothing returns nothing
    call CreateBuildingsForPlayer8(  )

function CreatePlayerUnits takes nothing returns nothing
    call CreateUnitsForPlayer8(  )

function CreateAllUnits takes nothing returns nothing
    call CreatePlayerBuildings(  )
    call CreateNeutralPassive(  )
    call CreatePlayerUnits(  )

//*  Players

function InitCustomPlayerSlots takes nothing returns nothing

    // Player 0
    call SetPlayerStartLocation( Player(0), 0 )
    call ForcePlayerStartLocation( Player(0), 0 )
    call SetPlayerColor( Player(0), ConvertPlayerColor(0) )
    call SetPlayerRacePreference( Player(0), RACE_PREF_HUMAN )
    call SetPlayerRaceSelectable( Player(0), false )
    call SetPlayerController( Player(0), MAP_CONTROL_USER )

    // Player 1
    call SetPlayerStartLocation( Player(1), 1 )
    call ForcePlayerStartLocation( Player(1), 1 )
    call SetPlayerColor( Player(1), ConvertPlayerColor(1) )
    call SetPlayerRacePreference( Player(1), RACE_PREF_HUMAN )
    call SetPlayerRaceSelectable( Player(1), false )
    call SetPlayerController( Player(1), MAP_CONTROL_USER )

    // Player 2
    call SetPlayerStartLocation( Player(2), 2 )
    call ForcePlayerStartLocation( Player(2), 2 )
    call SetPlayerColor( Player(2), ConvertPlayerColor(2) )
    call SetPlayerRacePreference( Player(2), RACE_PREF_HUMAN )
    call SetPlayerRaceSelectable( Player(2), false )
    call SetPlayerController( Player(2), MAP_CONTROL_USER )

    // Player 3
    call SetPlayerStartLocation( Player(3), 3 )
    call ForcePlayerStartLocation( Player(3), 3 )
    call SetPlayerColor( Player(3), ConvertPlayerColor(3) )
    call SetPlayerRacePreference( Player(3), RACE_PREF_HUMAN )
    call SetPlayerRaceSelectable( Player(3), false )
    call SetPlayerController( Player(3), MAP_CONTROL_USER )

    // Player 4
    call SetPlayerStartLocation( Player(4), 4 )
    call ForcePlayerStartLocation( Player(4), 4 )
    call SetPlayerColor( Player(4), ConvertPlayerColor(4) )
    call SetPlayerRacePreference( Player(4), RACE_PREF_HUMAN )
    call SetPlayerRaceSelectable( Player(4), false )
    call SetPlayerController( Player(4), MAP_CONTROL_USER )

    // Player 5
    call SetPlayerStartLocation( Player(5), 5 )
    call ForcePlayerStartLocation( Player(5), 5 )
    call SetPlayerColor( Player(5), ConvertPlayerColor(5) )
    call SetPlayerRacePreference( Player(5), RACE_PREF_HUMAN )
    call SetPlayerRaceSelectable( Player(5), false )
    call SetPlayerController( Player(5), MAP_CONTROL_USER )

    // Player 6
    call SetPlayerStartLocation( Player(6), 6 )
    call ForcePlayerStartLocation( Player(6), 6 )
    call SetPlayerColor( Player(6), ConvertPlayerColor(6) )
    call SetPlayerRacePreference( Player(6), RACE_PREF_HUMAN )
    call SetPlayerRaceSelectable( Player(6), false )
    call SetPlayerController( Player(6), MAP_CONTROL_USER )

    // Player 7
    call SetPlayerStartLocation( Player(7), 7 )
    call ForcePlayerStartLocation( Player(7), 7 )
    call SetPlayerColor( Player(7), ConvertPlayerColor(7) )
    call SetPlayerRacePreference( Player(7), RACE_PREF_HUMAN )
    call SetPlayerRaceSelectable( Player(7), false )
    call SetPlayerController( Player(7), MAP_CONTROL_USER )

    // Player 8
    call SetPlayerStartLocation( Player(8), 8 )
    call ForcePlayerStartLocation( Player(8), 8 )
    call SetPlayerColor( Player(8), ConvertPlayerColor(8) )
    call SetPlayerRacePreference( Player(8), RACE_PREF_HUMAN )
    call SetPlayerRaceSelectable( Player(8), false )
    call SetPlayerController( Player(8), MAP_CONTROL_USER )

    // Player 9
    call SetPlayerStartLocation( Player(9), 9 )
    call ForcePlayerStartLocation( Player(9), 9 )
    call SetPlayerColor( Player(9), ConvertPlayerColor(9) )
    call SetPlayerRacePreference( Player(9), RACE_PREF_HUMAN )
    call SetPlayerRaceSelectable( Player(9), false )
    call SetPlayerController( Player(9), MAP_CONTROL_USER )


function InitCustomTeams takes nothing returns nothing
    // Force: Players
    call SetPlayerTeam( Player(0), 0 )
    call SetPlayerTeam( Player(1), 0 )
    call SetPlayerTeam( Player(2), 0 )
    call SetPlayerTeam( Player(3), 0 )
    call SetPlayerTeam( Player(4), 0 )
    call SetPlayerTeam( Player(5), 0 )
    call SetPlayerTeam( Player(6), 0 )
    call SetPlayerTeam( Player(7), 0 )

    // Force: Designers
    call SetPlayerTeam( Player(8), 1 )
    call SetPlayerTeam( Player(9), 1 )


function InitAllyPriorities takes nothing returns nothing

    call SetStartLocPrioCount( 0, 7 )
    call SetStartLocPrio( 0, 0, 1, MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH )
    call SetStartLocPrio( 0, 1, 2, MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH )
    call SetStartLocPrio( 0, 2, 3, MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH )
    call SetStartLocPrio( 0, 3, 4, MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH )
    call SetStartLocPrio( 0, 4, 5, MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH )
    call SetStartLocPrio( 0, 5, 6, MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH )
    call SetStartLocPrio( 0, 6, 7, MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH )

    call SetStartLocPrioCount( 1, 7 )
    call SetStartLocPrio( 1, 0, 0, MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH )
    call SetStartLocPrio( 1, 1, 2, MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH )
    call SetStartLocPrio( 1, 2, 3, MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH )
    call SetStartLocPrio( 1, 3, 4, MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH )
    call SetStartLocPrio( 1, 4, 5, MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH )
    call SetStartLocPrio( 1, 5, 6, MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH )
    call SetStartLocPrio( 1, 6, 7, MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH )

    call SetStartLocPrioCount( 2, 7 )
    call SetStartLocPrio( 2, 0, 0, MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH )
    call SetStartLocPrio( 2, 1, 1, MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH )
    call SetStartLocPrio( 2, 2, 3, MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH )
    call SetStartLocPrio( 2, 3, 4, MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH )
    call SetStartLocPrio( 2, 4, 5, MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH )
    call SetStartLocPrio( 2, 5, 6, MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH )
    call SetStartLocPrio( 2, 6, 7, MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH )

    call SetStartLocPrioCount( 3, 7 )
    call SetStartLocPrio( 3, 0, 0, MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH )
    call SetStartLocPrio( 3, 1, 1, MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH )
    call SetStartLocPrio( 3, 2, 2, MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH )
    call SetStartLocPrio( 3, 3, 4, MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH )
    call SetStartLocPrio( 3, 4, 5, MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH )
    call SetStartLocPrio( 3, 5, 6, MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH )
    call SetStartLocPrio( 3, 6, 7, MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH )

    call SetStartLocPrioCount( 4, 7 )
    call SetStartLocPrio( 4, 0, 0, MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH )
    call SetStartLocPrio( 4, 1, 1, MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH )
    call SetStartLocPrio( 4, 2, 2, MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH )
    call SetStartLocPrio( 4, 3, 3, MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH )
    call SetStartLocPrio( 4, 4, 5, MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH )
    call SetStartLocPrio( 4, 5, 6, MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH )
    call SetStartLocPrio( 4, 6, 7, MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH )

    call SetStartLocPrioCount( 5, 7 )
    call SetStartLocPrio( 5, 0, 0, MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH )
    call SetStartLocPrio( 5, 1, 1, MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH )
    call SetStartLocPrio( 5, 2, 2, MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH )
    call SetStartLocPrio( 5, 3, 3, MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH )
    call SetStartLocPrio( 5, 4, 4, MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH )
    call SetStartLocPrio( 5, 5, 6, MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH )
    call SetStartLocPrio( 5, 6, 7, MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH )

    call SetStartLocPrioCount( 6, 7 )
    call SetStartLocPrio( 6, 0, 0, MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH )
    call SetStartLocPrio( 6, 1, 1, MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH )
    call SetStartLocPrio( 6, 2, 2, MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH )
    call SetStartLocPrio( 6, 3, 3, MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH )
    call SetStartLocPrio( 6, 4, 4, MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH )
    call SetStartLocPrio( 6, 5, 5, MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH )
    call SetStartLocPrio( 6, 6, 7, MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH )

    call SetStartLocPrioCount( 7, 7 )
    call SetStartLocPrio( 7, 0, 0, MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH )
    call SetStartLocPrio( 7, 1, 1, MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH )
    call SetStartLocPrio( 7, 2, 2, MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH )
    call SetStartLocPrio( 7, 3, 3, MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH )
    call SetStartLocPrio( 7, 4, 4, MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH )
    call SetStartLocPrio( 7, 5, 5, MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH )
    call SetStartLocPrio( 7, 6, 6, MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH )

    call SetStartLocPrioCount( 8, 8 )
    call SetStartLocPrio( 8, 0, 0, MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH )
    call SetStartLocPrio( 8, 1, 1, MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH )
    call SetStartLocPrio( 8, 2, 2, MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH )
    call SetStartLocPrio( 8, 3, 3, MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH )
    call SetStartLocPrio( 8, 4, 4, MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH )
    call SetStartLocPrio( 8, 5, 5, MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH )
    call SetStartLocPrio( 8, 6, 6, MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH )
    call SetStartLocPrio( 8, 7, 7, MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH )

    call SetStartLocPrioCount( 9, 9 )
    call SetStartLocPrio( 9, 0, 0, MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH )
    call SetStartLocPrio( 9, 1, 1, MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH )
    call SetStartLocPrio( 9, 2, 2, MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH )
    call SetStartLocPrio( 9, 3, 3, MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH )
    call SetStartLocPrio( 9, 4, 4, MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH )
    call SetStartLocPrio( 9, 5, 5, MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH )
    call SetStartLocPrio( 9, 6, 6, MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH )
    call SetStartLocPrio( 9, 7, 7, MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH )
    call SetStartLocPrio( 9, 8, 8, MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH )

//*  Main Initialization

function main takes nothing returns nothing
    call SetCameraBounds( -8192.0 + GetCameraMargin(CAMERA_MARGIN_LEFT), -20480.0 + GetCameraMargin(CAMERA_MARGIN_BOTTOM), 20480.0 - GetCameraMargin(CAMERA_MARGIN_RIGHT), 8192.0 - GetCameraMargin(CAMERA_MARGIN_TOP), -8192.0 + GetCameraMargin(CAMERA_MARGIN_LEFT), 8192.0 - GetCameraMargin(CAMERA_MARGIN_TOP), 20480.0 - GetCameraMargin(CAMERA_MARGIN_RIGHT), -20480.0 + GetCameraMargin(CAMERA_MARGIN_BOTTOM) )
    call SetDayNightModels( "Environment\\DNC\\DNCLordaeron\\DNCLordaeronTerrain\\DNCLordaeronTerrain.mdl", "Environment\\DNC\\DNCLordaeron\\DNCLordaeronUnit\\DNCLordaeronUnit.mdl" )
    call NewSoundEnvironment( "Default" )
    call SetAmbientDaySound( "LordaeronSummerDay" )
    call SetAmbientNightSound( "LordaeronSummerNight" )
    call SetMapMusic( "Music", true, 0 )
    call CreateAllUnits(  )
    call InitBlizzard(  )
    call InitGlobals(  )


//*  Map Configuration

function config takes nothing returns nothing
    call SetMapName( "TRIGSTR_001" )
    call SetMapDescription( "" )
    call SetPlayers( 10 )
    call SetTeams( 10 )
    call SetGamePlacement( MAP_PLACEMENT_TEAMS_TOGETHER )

    call DefineStartLocation( 0, 4416.0, -5632.0 )
    call DefineStartLocation( 1, 4416.0, -5632.0 )
    call DefineStartLocation( 2, 4416.0, -5632.0 )
    call DefineStartLocation( 3, 4416.0, -5632.0 )
    call DefineStartLocation( 4, 4416.0, -5632.0 )
    call DefineStartLocation( 5, 4416.0, -5632.0 )
    call DefineStartLocation( 6, 4416.0, -5632.0 )
    call DefineStartLocation( 7, 4416.0, -5632.0 )
    call DefineStartLocation( 8, 3840.0, -3968.0 )
    call DefineStartLocation( 9, -7872.0, 6720.0 )

    // Player setup
    call InitCustomPlayerSlots(  )
    call InitCustomTeams(  )
    call InitAllyPriorities(  )
the old script continues again from here.

After saving this and replacing the .j file in the new map, the new map is causing WC3 to crash upon map selection.
Giving this error:
war3 error.JPG
war3 error.JPG (32.13 KiB) Viewed 6276 times
Perhaps it's not as simple as copy/paste?
Do I need to pick and choose which bits of the new script Im transferring over?

Can I pay someone else to do this? :lol:

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Re: Making Old (pre 1.24) Maps Compatible

Unread post by 3ICE »

You redeclared (or duplicated) some functions by copy-pasting instead of merging. → Duplicate functions cause syntax errors in the script → Any syntax error crashes Warcraft 3.

Grab JassCraft (easy) or hook up pjass.exe to Notepad++ (hard) for a syntax checker.

Or you can send some $$ and the two scripts to and I'll merge them for you. (I don't have a set fee, so you pick the price based on how much it is worth to you.)

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Posts: 264
Joined: Fri Mar 21, 2008 1:57 am
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Account: SHiNNiNG_FaiTH
Clan: 3ICE
Location: Minnesota, USA

Re: Making Old (pre 1.24) Maps Compatible

Unread post by SHiNNiNG_FaiTH »

3ICE wrote:(I don't have a set fee, so you pick the price based on how much it is worth to you.)

APM Spamming mineral fields is fun!

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