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Model Scaling

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2016 11:56 am
by 3ICE
I am making a RPG and i was wondering if it is possible to scale down Item shadows and Special effects

Thanks in advance


The great draft takeover! Originally drafted on 2010/10/23 22:23:30 by tim182(822) Never posted. Until now. :)

Re: Model Scaling

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2016 4:08 pm
by 3ICE
Shadows can be resized or removed by making changes inside your map archive.

Find or create a file called war3mapMisc.txt
under section [Misc], put:
to remove all shadows from all items.

or do:


to resize and move shadows. Play with the numbers until it looks good.

Attach the special effect to a dummy model, then scale that model down. You will notice that the effect has scaled down along with it. Not all attachment points transfer scaling information.