Who is TestUser and why is he a moderator?

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Who is TestUser and why is he a moderator?

Unread post by TestUser »

TestUser was created by 3ICE, to try out his new autoban filters and rulesets. After the tests were conducted, the account wasn't deleted. (Because "Who knows, it could be useful in the future.") Later on it became a TestModerator.

Now I just use TestUser to log in from unsafe locations. Every time I make a post with TestUser, I edit the poster_id field, changing it to 2 (which is 3ICE's poster_id), so the post appears to be made by 3ICE. If I accidentally leave a post under TestUser's poster_id, please let me know.

TestUser's post count should stay at 1 forever. (This one post.)
Last edited by 3ICE on Thu Jun 09, 2011 4:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: sup?

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Re: Who is TestUser and why is he a moderator?

Unread post by manstie »

Wow scary.
I loaded up and I saw 2 posts made by TestUser then as soon as i went back to the same page it was converted to 3ICE's post :shock:

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Re: Who is TestUser and why is he a moderator?

Unread post by 3ICE »


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