What do you do with our feedback? Can we see what we sent in so far to Google?

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What do you do with our feedback? Can we see what we sent in so far to Google?

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I've submitted hundreds of little feedback items (but essay length sometimes!) to Google. But I'm convinced they throw it away without reading. Or merely use an AI to extract one or two sentence summaries from a thousand users' various inputs at once. Tossing the rest.

This is infuriating. I want my feedback back! I put a lot of effort into it sometimes... But they refuse to give it. (Yet more proof it's already been deleted.)

One workaround is to take it to "productforums" instead of hitting the much more convenient [send feedback] button. But then I'd need to provide repro steps for everything, and a meaningful subject line, select categories, specify my platform, device, OS, build numbers, etc. Too much work. And sometimes I just want to go "WTF is this shit!?" and point (highlight) at a screenshot of the issue. Without having to take said screenshot, save it, and annotate it in Photoshop.

I will, from now on, keep a copy of everything I send them, so that my effort isn't totally wasted. You, dear reader, can see it too. My feedback is not just for an unpaid intern at Google to look at for 1 second while there's also a very distracting Facebook feed on his other screen. (I almost wrote porn, at first... Gotta keep it NSFW though.)

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Re: What do you do with our YouTube feedback? Can we see what we sent in so far to Google?

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YouTube: Add [Cancel processing] option for face blur: I clicked Edit (highlighted in screenshot) and it instantly started processing my video. There are no faces in it at all but I cannot cancel it. What a waste. 1% took a full minute. I apologize for wasting processing power. So much entropy, gone forever from the universe because there is no cancel button.

(I did not bother saving the screenshot of the video editor, page 2, tab 3, advanced blurring techniques, modal window.)

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Re: What do you do with our YouTube feedback? Can we see what we sent in so far to Google?

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YouTube: Need a Language preference and priority list here. Not just a checkbox for Always show captions (highlighted) that does not even do what it says.

The language dropdown is horribly long in widely popular videos, especially for the auto translate subtitles feature. Most of those I will never speak so why must I scroll past them to find English on page 4 or 5? It should be pinned at the top along with my native language and spoken languages. The list of all languages Google knows is rather laggy, so let us filter out languages we don't care about.

Also, I hate having to switch between English, Hungarian, French, Spanish, etc. subtitles on the English, German, and French videos I watch. (Hungarian only super rarely.) If there's English subs I want those. And not whatever my latest choice was. If I watch a french art movie with audio-transcribed French subs auto translated to Hungarian, with an English technical video coming next in my subscriptions, then I bloody well don't want the French-interpreted English auto-caption subs translated to Hungarian anymore. I want the provided English subtitles, and no translation. If I could specify my language preference here, it could reset to English for every video, without me having to pause the video, turn off captions, go into options, select the choose subtitle language item, wait for it to load, and find English on the needlessly long list.

And if I turned off captions for one video it does not automatically mean I want captions permanently off for all future videos either. I usually turn off captions when the stupid channels hardcode subs and also submit subtitles as text. Admittedly this is because you give zero control over sub selection to channel owners. And users are too blind to notice there's [CC]. And you removed annotations that let us literally point to where the [CC] button appears to bring attention to it. So yeah, us video makers are forced to hardcode our subs if we want to provide a mandatory subtitled experience for our audience.

(I did not bother saving the screenshot of the options menu.)

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Re: What do you do with our YouTube feedback? Can we see what we sent in so far to Google?

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YouTube: Where did my messages go? Old PM's...

(I did not bother saving the screenshot of the messages in creator studio->community tab. It said "No messages to display".)

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Re: What do you do with our YouTube feedback? Can we see what we sent in so far to Google?

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Re: What do you do with our YouTube feedback? Can we see what we sent in so far to Google?

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You broke my profile link!

This used to work:
https://productforums.google.com/forum/ ... spcAjw5H7l

It listed all my posts across all my groups.

Now I need to link each group separately and the URL is even more uglier:
https://productforums.google.com/forum/ ... spcAjw5H7l

(Google groups feedback)

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Re: What do you do with our YouTube feedback? Can we see what we sent in so far to Google?

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When I forward an email conversation, DONT break my embedded pictures, damn it.

Image was pasted directly from mspaint, sent, then the sent email along with the responses were bulk-forwarded only to see all pictures as "broken" on the receiving side.

(GMail feedback)

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Re: What do you do with our YouTube feedback? Can we see what we sent in so far to Google?

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Microsoft Feedback is no better.
https://www.bing.com/search?q=how+to+us ... lters=guid:
I submitted "Explain why notifications only show when PC is awake. That's the link I clicked on to be taken to this search. (I know the answer but others might not. There is a help link after all -- So go and make it helpful!)"

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Re: What do you do with our YouTube feedback? Can we see what we sent in so far to Google?

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Google takeout feedback:

Here's a comparison shot (for feedback "zip-related error message does not disappear when switching to tgz format")

Second screenshot has "Zip files larger than 2GB will be compressed in zip64. Older operating systems may not be able to open this file format. There are external applications that can be used to uncompress zip64 files." red text highlighted.

First has no error message:
File type tgz Additional software may be required to open .tgz files on Windows.

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Re: What do you do with our YouTube feedback? Can we see what we sent in so far to Google?

Unread post by 3ICE »

Google Play Store:

Why am I unable to edit the title of my review? It only lets me control the body text... Title needs change too! I'm on PC, using a web browser.

The app probably allows title editing. But not the website version.

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