I'm in Platinum (SC2)

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I'm in Platinum (SC2)

Unread post by 3ICE »

StarCraft II: I, 3ICE, got into the Platinum league earlier today. I did this without any practicing / training beforehand. The placement matches were the first 5 games of starcraft 2 I have ever played. I did not rush in any of my games either. 2010/08/10

EDIT: I won 4 of the 5 placement matches required, which means my win/loss ratio is 80%. Gosu! :D

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Re: I'm in Platinum (SC2)

Unread post by Squall »

Congratulations. I know the games "player vs. player" in SC2 are not easy. Well, i was never good in them.

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Re: I'm in Platinum (SC2)

Unread post by 3ICE »

I fought my way to the very top of my league. Almost. I am currently in the TOP3. (Rank 3 platinum.)
I have 82 wins and 61 losses. (Blizzard's goal is to have everybody's win/loss ratio at 50%, so I am supposed to lose my next 21 matches :D)


Which means nothing, really. There are hundreds of platinum leagues and each has its own list of top players. (Platinum isn't even the topmost league, diamond is.)


I am still not in diamond... I do win most of my games vs diamond players. (I check the profiles of all "favored" opponents to see their league, they are usually in diamond.) But the matchmaking system just refuses to promote me. Oh well, it is easier to get wins in platinum anyway. :)

p.s.: I am still not making SC2 maps.
-When can 3ICE's maps be expected to arrive?
-Once blizzard fixes or gets rid of the popularity system.

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Re: I'm in Platinum (SC2)

Unread post by 3ICE »

My current stats:
Rank 2 platinum - Climbing the ladder slowly but steadily, I should be able to grab rank 1 next week.
100 wins - 88 losses - I still have 12 more wins than losses. Eat that, Blizzard!
3ICE wrote:Blizzard's goal is to have everybody's win/loss ratio at 50%, so I am supposed to lose my next 21 matches...
That I did. I went on a horrible losing streak today morning.

I was constantly getting matched against players well beyond my skill level. Still, I prevailed. I even won a couple of those matches, beating diamond players left and right. Winning against someone better than me is definitely an uplifting experience. Especially when I tell them I'm not even in diamond league :D They act ashamed and apologize for their sloppy play.

I think if I won more of my games that I played against diamond players I'd have been promoted to the best league today.
A good sign is that diamond players are not "favored" opponents anymore. All my games appear as "even" now.

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Re: I'm in Platinum (SC2)

Unread post by 3ICE »

At long last! I am...

Rank 1
1442 Points
107 Wins
98 Losses

I also won 10 FFA games as random for the (Kill 5000 units total) FFA Gladiator achievement. (Yes, 3/3/3 Void Rays + 1 Observer + 2 speed upgrades + 1 Mothership is that good!) (Or triple expanding - before spawning pool or even an overlord - to both gold expansions and my natural then steamrolling everything with mutaling.) (Or playing standard terran, the unbeatable MMM ball.)
And I entered Bronze league 3v3 and 4v4 just for the League Qualifier achievement. (2 wins / 8 losses - Somehow my random teammates pulled off a win in a 2v3 and a 3v4 situation. Good for them!)

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