The Watch Later YouTube playlist is unusable when you have thousands of items on it

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The Watch Later YouTube playlist is unusable when you have thousands of items on it

Unread post by 3ICE »

The Watch Later YouTube playlist is unusable when you have thousands of items on it:
• Lag (When I want to go to the last page I need to load EVERY page.)
• Inaccuracies (It says deleted videos were removed from the list but they are still there. Every time... Also, I don't want to lose deleted videos. Ever. I can still Google their ID, figure out their title from cached pages, and then find a backup elsewhere, or a reupload.)
• Crippled UI (To delete one video I have to: Hover over an item, wait hundreds of milliseconds for the control buttons to show up, _carefully_ click delete. If I accidentally click anywhere on the video tile instead; I have to go back and painstakingly click "next page" ten times to reach video # 1000+ Did I mention it lags?)
• Lack of better paging: I only care about the oldest (FILO) and the most recent (FIFO) items, usually.
• No filtering, and no option to mass delete items with checkboxes. (All I get is the option to delete everything, which would suck.)
• Missing "Remove Watched" button. I have no idea why it comes and goes sometimes. Mostly it is gone though. I've had it appear recently. A curious case...
• "Remove Watched" does not remove all watched videos, only a few dozen. There are still hundreds of already seen items on the list that I have to delete manually. One by one. (I wish once I've seen a video it was automatically removed from WL. Again, the "Remove Watched" button is not working.)
• Inefficient: To display 1000 videos, Google uses over 33000 lines of HTML code, and more than 10 megabytes of bandwidth. (Only half of which is thumbnails.) That's 5MB HTML code, or 5 million characters. Plus all the externally sourced files.

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