My games

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My games

Unread post by eenan »

i know this is not entirely related to wc3(not at all actually) but i was wondering if i could get help. It seems i have a slight problem with all steam-made games. Made a video for steam and sent it in when i posted my Complaint ticket thingie forhelp. . .. anywas put it on youtube so my friends might beable to help me. Plz take a loook and try to come with an answer!.

Problem 1: I think its the artifacting

Problem 2: in every game, my mouse flickers constantly or stops showing up period if i dont move it. Very annyoing. In the video it doesnt show it flickering. . . help there 2 please thank you goodnight
Cale'anon:Have you seen a little girl-
Prince: I'm Afraid now is not the time to indulge in your desires, brother.
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Re: My games

Unread post by 3ICE »

I would, no doubt, simply update my computer. Especially video card drivers and DirectX.

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Re: My games

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Well i thought i put this in video but when i was searching through steam help fourms i saw someo ne give just that advise. Drivers = Completely Upgraded and directX was b4 anyway. After upgrade i could actually play for awhile before it happend but it still happens. Before i couldnt even see anything at menu. Please help :P
Cale'anon:Have you seen a little girl-
Prince: I'm Afraid now is not the time to indulge in your desires, brother.
Cale'anon: No, i'm not-
Prince: You are an amusingly odd fellow, Cale'anon, my hope that the vulii kill you swiftly before remvoing your skin.

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Re: My games

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Getting a new computer is the alternative.

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Re: My games

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Its brand new thou . . . or something :0 My grandpa Made this computer less than a year ago ;-(
Cale'anon:Have you seen a little girl-
Prince: I'm Afraid now is not the time to indulge in your desires, brother.
Cale'anon: No, i'm not-
Prince: You are an amusingly odd fellow, Cale'anon, my hope that the vulii kill you swiftly before remvoing your skin.

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Re: My games

Unread post by 3ICE »

Custom made computers can sometimes show unexpected results and I don't think it could be resolved over the internet. You will need to ask a repairman, who will check your power supply and generally every piece of hardware you have, to see whether they are fully compatible with each other. The problem must not be big, because everything else seems to work perfectly, just not the games.

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Re: My games

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Okay. well thx i will try putting in a different graphics card soon that might help
Cale'anon:Have you seen a little girl-
Prince: I'm Afraid now is not the time to indulge in your desires, brother.
Cale'anon: No, i'm not-
Prince: You are an amusingly odd fellow, Cale'anon, my hope that the vulii kill you swiftly before remvoing your skin.

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Re: My games

Unread post by I_H8_U_M8 »

was this a custom made lvl?
if so well most games arn't perfect and sometmes you can find flaws
For example The guitar hero 3 flaw on u tube where u play expert and loi plays easy
Some games will just have flaws
You may also have falty softwre or the game was installed with bgs try uninstalling and reinstalling if you want to try
Btw I made my computer and as long as you make sure that the compter can support your computer modle you should be fine
Also make sure that your other hardware is compatible with your other h\hardware build in your computer
If you still are having problems It may also be that your computer hard drives are corrpt something like System micanic Will find these Problems and Fix them.
Lastly Even if you have a custom made cmputer (If your grandpa buy's the best hardware you can still end up with a piece of shit computer if it is not assembled properly. some parts of the computer may run slower or won't actas it is supposed to because of improper setup f the computer.
It's always a smart thing to bring you computer to a computer shop and see if your computer was put together properly.

(im 16years old and have made 3 coputers (my dad has a comptuer shop in toronto along ith a job for some companyAnays he taut ehow t make computers.))
(long time to make 1 ;p;)

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Re: My games

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Well yes it was a custom level but that doesnt really matter. I played single player in Half-life 2, other servers on CSS, mods like Pirates and vikings and knights, Age of chilviary Garrys mod and Zombie master. Just to clear things up i dint make this ;9, my grandpa did, which he has been doing for probley 15-20 years(guess,but close to that).He has gone through and checked the hardware and on the computer, and ive been surfing all the steam fourms i can find. here is my Computer setup hardware or w/e you wana call it

Manufacturer: NVIDIA
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E6850 @ 3.00GHz (2 CPUs)
Memory: 2046MB RAM
Hard Drive: 74 GB <======================== There is other memory card, this is just fast one so the basic things will go fast, other is 300GB to put the games on
Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTS
Monitor: Plug and Play Monitor
Sound Card: Realtek HD Audio output
Speakers/Headphones: Labtec double speakers
Keyboard: USB Root Hub
Mouse: USB Root Hub
Mouse Surface:
Operating System: Windows XP Professional (5.1,

To check out my Registerd hours of gameplay go here
Cale'anon:Have you seen a little girl-
Prince: I'm Afraid now is not the time to indulge in your desires, brother.
Cale'anon: No, i'm not-
Prince: You are an amusingly odd fellow, Cale'anon, my hope that the vulii kill you swiftly before remvoing your skin.

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Re: My games

Unread post by I_H8_U_M8 »

You said it was a custom lvl right? does this error happen in al ur custom lvls
You problem Is tHEN MOST LIKLY with the game and so there is little you can do
accept report the error to the game designers and get them to attempt to fix this problem

Now also This maybe getting the error because the people who had made the lvl editor arn't the same people who mad the game
Is this True?

If so then this is why you are getting the glitch because maybe the editor designers Were having trouble with the editor making
the ground collision to work properly with the game

For ur mouse
1st Does your mouse Flicker normally/
if so try useing a mouse pad (This is good to have for any lazr point mouse) If flickering continues try reinstalling software for ur mouse (if no
software Then You MAY have just a fault mouse(I had bought a key board that had only worked on 1 half of the keys b4))
2nd Your Mouse May be to far away from the compter if it's wireless
3rd Goto Game Settings And Adust the mouse to move move slower in game This may help Also

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