Ice Rink v1.03 (Scrapping)(Taking suggestions)

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Ice Rink v1.03 (Scrapping)(Taking suggestions)

Unread post by samtre »

9-11-2010: Damn it, was learning JASS and though it was too complicated to read so I used NewGen, who would've though it messed up my whole map. Now I can't access my map through War3 TFT, all the import models are gone, triggers gone loco.....the only map I can open is the new version v1.02 with ai, but not the master version.....and I was on my way to finally learn jass and compressed some of my its all screwed up.....
so, some of the maps i'm able to play on 1.21, but the master versions can't be played on both 1.21 and 1.24b. My world editor is at 1.21 cause i can't access 1.24's world editor. I tried exporting and importing all the stuff to another map but still same problem.

I can't access all my other custom maps too.......damn it

I've lost the old version, so I decided to create a new one.
Remake include:
4 renewed rinks
20+ different rune effects (70% done)
Shops & Items
3 Different and Improved AI systems (+Improved)
Special Effects
Jumpers & Boosters
Leak-less 75%
4 new races:
Human -> Fire, Frost
Orc -> Blades
Undead -> Chaos, Bats
Night Elf -> Glaives, Knives
Naga -> Arrow, Lightning

Ice projectiles has freeze effects, it disables you to slide on ice and only be able to walk... The buff is based on Slow, so I have to increase the movement decrement more so it'll look like he's halfway frozen but still moving very slowly.

- Leaderboard Fixed (Multiboard was just too complicated)
- Rink 4 starts to lag after awhile, but I think this too happens to all of the rinks.


Update v1.00 Remake:
Runes give extra abilities:
Morph - Morph random enemy units in sheeps....... Sheeps + Jumpers = FLYING SHEEPS!
Multi-Throw - Throws 3 projectiles instead of 1
Area-Throw - Throws 8 projectiles around you
Blink - what do you think?
Recharge - Reset cooldown
Ancient Weapons - Kill every units in path, pass through units
Shield - Enables the unit to block the next attack
Engulf - Engulfs the unit in flame that last 20 seconds, deals 5 damage per second to units nearby 200 aoe (nothing happens) [REMOVED]
V.I.P. Players, if your with this forum, every time you open the map, your name will appear
Implemented projectile system, Locust-ed, lag-less-a-bit, now can't past units
+ Options for Player Red
----- -fog[on/off]
----- -camlock[on/off]
----- -s[1-20]

AI Change:
When your invisible, they will cast the Reveal Spell and attack you
- Effect can't be shown, bug?
- Rune spell usage of AIs aren't implemented yet, I might need help
- But they are able to use Multi-Throw and Area-Throw, although they aren't that selective.

Items spawn:
Spawn based on number of players

No changelog,
Wanted to know:
How can I make the boosters increase the speed of my projectile?
I've been using
For Each Integer A from 1 to 100, do Actions (Loop)
- Wait 0.00 seconds
- Move [Projectile] towards 1.00 from (Position of [Projectile]) towards (Facing angle of [Projectile])
Effect last 1 seconds.

Update 1.0:
- Added loading screen
- Added minimap picture
- Implemented my own projectile system, but if there are 6 players or above casting everything they have, the map will start to lag.
during 1 on 1, it won't lag, but about 10 minutes or so later, it will
- When a unit is above or below your projectile, the projectile can't hit, it must be between 50 +/- flying height of the unit to hit.

If any of you have a better projectile system I could understand, please help.
Update 1.01:
- Added 4 other races: Human, Undead, Orc, Naga
- Implemented freezing effect for Human, but causes lag after 10 minutes.... had to change your system, sorry.
- Updated Runes (e.g. Serpent Ward rune, creates a serpent ward to attack enemy units nearby --- not implemented yet)
- Removed Blink-bug, you can blink to the starting point.
- Removed VIP players, because of the 4 other races.
- Replaced Engulf rune with Serpent Ward, dummyunit unable to cast engulf on target.
- Projectile system updated, leak-free, i left it over night with adding a bot control over my hero with 11 other bots. Still moving.......
- Item-Pickup trigger has problems, every heroes are not able to pickup nearby runes. Must be picked up manually.
- Runes Added:
Climatic Freeze runes, freezes every enemy unit on the rink for 5 seconds.
Doppelganger rune, creates one doppelganger that does not attack and can be hit for 60 seconds, only 1 can be active at the same time.
Race Specialties:
Human: Fire (Increased Damage, Normal Cooldown, Slow Attack Speed); Frost (Low Damage, Low-Mid Cooldown, Normal Attack Speed, Freeze Effect)
Orc: Blades (Normal Damage, Reversed Cooldown, Very Fast Attack Speed);
Undead: Chaos (High Damage, High Cooldown, Slow Attack Speed); Bats (Low Damage, Low Cooldown, Fast Attack Speed, 50% vampirism effect)
Night Elf: Glaives (Normal Damage, Normal Cooldown, Normal Attack Speed); Knives (Low Damage, High Cooldown, FastAttack Speed)
Naga: Arrows (Low-Mid Damage, Very Low Cooldown, Fast Attack Speed); Lightning (Low damage, Normal Cooldown, Very Fast Attack Speed)
Update v1.02, v1.03:
can't seem to remember what have I updated, v1.03 is a BAD map. problems with game starting.

ToDo v1.04:
1) Add a projectile speedup rune, e.g. set custom value = speeding value, changing triggers to also add custom value as distance traveled.
2) In team deathmatch, positive-buff runes are effected to ALL heroes on the same team. (Serpent Ward still acts the same, spell runes are unchanged. Positive buffs as in Haste, Invisibility, Healing, etc,etc)
3) Double Damage Rune, Triple-Projectile Rune, Double Projectile Speed Rune.
i) Deals double damage (Use trigger to detect buff and apply)
ii) Shoots three projectiles instead of 1 for few seconds (Use trigger to detect buff and apply)
iii) When shooting, detects buff and apply as Custom Value of the projectile (Use trigger to detect buff and apply)
Still problems:
Different unit heights of projectiles will not hit enemy units of the different height.
Multiboard, imma too lazy to fix it up...........
problematic version
(756.83 KiB) Downloaded 1329 times
Can access this, but this is about 1 week younger than the master version, means not much changes....
(765.93 KiB) Downloaded 1176 times
Ertmas_Slide_Die_v1.01(Multi Race)_VexOp.w3x
Vexorian Optimized
(621.61 KiB) Downloaded 1172 times
Ertmas_Slide_Die_v1.01(Multi Race).w3x
(690.57 KiB) Downloaded 1236 times
Last edited by samtre on Sun Mar 06, 2011 7:39 am, edited 54 times in total.

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Re: Ice Rink v1.0 Bot/Botless

Unread post by 3ICE »

Have the AI target random opponents (position of random unit from units of type demon hunter)
and keep them closer to the center (by checking for the event when they leave their region and then turning them back)

Putting "protected" in the map name will not automatically protect it. (Although not many people have WEU for opening it nowadays. It's completely out of action and order with it's userbase of 1-2 mappers.)
Read my tutorial on real map protection: and your 900kb map will be turned into a 300kb one. (the small part about Vexorian's map optimizer is the most important)

The event "Every [random number between 3-9]" is not going to reroll that random number every time.
You need map initialization as event and the following three actions:
* do the glaive attack
* wait random(3-9)
* run (this trigger) ignoring conditions
this way the random number will be truly random every time.
EDIT: after checking the actual triggers I noticed you had it as a 0.01 periodic timer. That's gross. Use my three liner above^.

Zoom out the camera just a little bit.

You should put in two more spells. one could be a simple thunder clap and the other could be shooting a full circle of short-range low-damage glaives.

The spiky cliffs sometimes stop sliding. Pathing issues? Try setting DH movement-type to none (or flying).

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Re: Ice Rink v1.0 Bot/Botless

Unread post by samtre »

the spiky cliffs are suppose to make those DH turn 180 degrees when they are up there. I think i should not have added the pathing blockers........ ;P

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Re: Ice Rink v1.01 Bot/Botless

Unread post by 3ICE »

Put a link to on the loading screen, there is enough space as I saw. ;)

You should replace the 180°turn (Which didn't work) with a jump trigger. For that you will need a region on top of each bump. But sliding works in a way that units don't always register the "unit enters region" event if the region is not wide (or tall) enough so you'll need to make regions at least 3 grids wide (or tall). (The jump tutorial is on my ToDo list.)

First time I played I was clueless about how to start the game. A "Type one of {-s1 -s2 ... -s10} to start." would have been helpful :)

Move out all triggers from my sliding system. It's disturbing... And what if someone tries to take it from your map? He'll end up with a bunch of errors and useless triggers :) Only keep {HELP; Setup1; Setup2; Slide; Steer} inside my category.

Delete S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 and S10, use:
Speed Change Speed Change
     t_eve Events t_pla Player - Player 1 (Red) types a chat message containing -s as A substring t_co Conditions t_if (Real((Substring((Entered chat string), 3, 4)))) Less than or equal to 10.00 t_act Actions t_set Set Speed = (Real((Substring((Entered chat string), 3, 4))))

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Re: Ice Rink v1.01 Bot/Botless

Unread post by samtre »

i just can't do 12 triggers and make them in to 1......
don't really understand what to do with substring...........

and i can't find your ToDo List

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Re: Ice Rink v1.01 Bot/Botless

Unread post by 3ICE »

I made it for you just copy it.

My ToDo list is mines. And it's not public. When I say something is on it, it means I'm going to make it.

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Re: Ice Rink v1.1 Bot/Botless

Unread post by samtre »

is there something wrong with the respawn and rick select trigger?
Last edited by samtre on Fri Dec 05, 2008 8:58 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Ice Rink v1.01 Bot/Botless

Unread post by 3ICE »

Don't forget:
3ICE wrote:Put a link to on the loading screen, there is enough space as I saw. ;)
3ICE wrote:Move out all triggers from my sliding system. It's disturbing... And what if someone tries to take it from your map? He'll end up with a bunch of errors and useless triggers :) Only keep {HELP; Setup1; Setup2; Slide; Steer} inside my category.
Respawn trigger looks ok, you should have done it an entirely different way though.

I don't see a rink selection trigger anywhere, so can't check that.

You have a lot of useless triggers: all of the ai system and the ai attack system. can be merged into one or max 2 triggers. Don't focus on this problem too much though, only if you feel like learning.

Here is a better respawn trigger:
Respawn Respawn
     t_eve Events t_uni Unit - A unit Dies t_co Conditions t_if (Unit-type of (Triggering unit)) Equal to (==) Ice Skater (Normal) t_act Actions t_wai Wait 5.00 seconds t_her Hero - Instantly revive (Triggering unit) at (Random point in RevivalSpot <gen>), Show revival graphics

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Re: Ice Rink v1.1 Bot/Botless

Unread post by samtre »

uh.................there is something wrong with the respawn trigger and rink selection:
1) If you've chosen Rink 2 and died, you respawn in Rink 1.
2) You can just type in -r1 or -r2 to change rink instantly.

gonna replace those 2 maps until i've got a better connection...........zzzz

and how can i merge those triggers into 1? is it like keep repeating the trigger but selecting other units do to that t_act ?

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Re: Ice Rink v1.1 Bot/Botless

Unread post by 3ICE »

I said don't think about merging triggers. Eternal wisdom doesn't come instantly. We all have to wait for it to reach us. Ok this sounded stupid.

And about your rink selection thing... Would it be possible to not have two rinks? Merge them into one, bigger rink. Problem solved!

p.s.: How come the AI-less map is bigger than the one with AI? I find it very strange.

EDIT: What are you using WEU special triggers for? I wish you'd find a way to avoid them.
I'll help you come up with better triggers if I can get you to stop using WEU.

EDIT2: Your rez trigger doesn't work, because you are reviving heroes to the region called: RevivalSpot. RevivalSpot is placed under Rink1, and is in no way connected to Rink2. What you can do to fix this, is:
Rename RevivalSpot1 under Rink1
Create RevivalSpot2 under Rink2
A 'Rect' variable which you set to RevivalSpot1 or RevivalSpot2 depending on which Rink the user choses.
Changing the revive trigger to use that variable instead of the regions. (The 'Rect' variable type can not be found in the regular editor, I'm not sure if WEU has it. If it doesn't then tell me and I'll make you a demo map.)

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