I_H8_U_M8's Blood Lust Arena

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I_H8_U_M8's Blood Lust Arena

Unread post by I_H8_U_M8 »

Can some one look at the triggers and tell me why I am creating all 4 unit types instead on just 1 with the wisp
Can't understand whats going on with it
I_H8_U_M8s Blood Dust Arena.w3x
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Re: I_H8_U_M8's Blood Lust Arena

Unread post by 3ICE »

That is quite easy :)

If you base the custom abilities off of the same spell (Avatar), the unit will cast all four spells when you click on one button.

Instead of custom spells, use custom units, or custom items, or use 4 different spells.

EDIT: The terrain is beautiful, but add some trees.

EDIT2: Don't use t_all Do nothing

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Re: I_H8_U_M8's Blood Lust Arena

Unread post by YzRiDeR72 »

Could you give an example where you ever would use that?
Second member(following 3ICE) to site. =]
You don't learn unless you crash. =]

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Re: I_H8_U_M8's Blood Lust Arena

Unread post by 3ICE »

Why couldn't you download his map and see for yourself?
(He was using custom spells as "pick your class" buttons)

EDIT: Unless you didn't mean that "that".

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Re: I_H8_U_M8's Blood Lust Arena

Unread post by I_H8_U_M8 »

um how do you increace a custom var value.
like I'm rying to increase intigers but evertime I do this
set kills = (kills+1)
No increase will occur

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Re: I_H8_U_M8's Blood Lust Arena

Unread post by 3ICE »

You did it right, probably it's inside an impossible if condition or the trigger has no event. Copy your trigger in question as text and paste it here.

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Re: I_H8_U_M8's Blood Lust Arena

Unread post by I_H8_U_M8 »

No it's not the condition it' just not Working with my multboard Like my multiboard Isn't updating
So here's my map again...
I_H8_U_M8s Blood Dust Arena.w3x
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Re: I_H8_U_M8's Blood Lust Arena

Unread post by 3ICE »

t_pgr Player Group - Pick every player in (All players) and do (Actions) is not needed. in the t_tri Refresh trigger.

EDIT: Tested and works. It increased the values by 1 every minute.

EDIT2: Imagine multiboards as tables (like in MS Excel)... Instead of writing out Team1 kills: every time, do:
3ICE's Multiboard schema wrote:
| Team  | Kills | Deaths | Whatever |
|       |       |        |          |
|   1   |  0    |   19   |          |
|   2   |  3    |   6    |          |
|   3   |  6    |   1    |          |
|   4   |  6    |   0    |          |
|       |       |        |          |
EDIT: So the problem was not with the arithmetics, but rather with the multiboard update trigger. :)

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Re: I_H8_U_M8's Blood Lust Arena

Unread post by I_H8_U_M8 »

Thanks 3ice Also here's Version 1 of my game.
There is AI but not the greatest (please comment on AI and or suggest)
Have fun
I_H8_U_M8s Blood Dust Arena.w3x
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Re: I_H8_U_M8's Blood Lust Arena

Unread post by 3ICE »

Stop using t_all Do Nothing http://www.3ice.hu/blog/do-nothing-is-evil/
Center: Do you even test your maps? You give gold to the dead neutral hostile units every second. Visual effect spam → lag.
Bots are useless, they die and get stuck in the base.
Shops sell nothing and even that costs too much.
You have HUGE triggers, I don't see the point.
The game idea is good. Just needs a lot of work.
Shops spawn on top of each other, I can select both shops. (Tier 2 and 3 atm)
My game ended with 231 wins → impossible victory conditions.
I was able to blink into any town and steal their crown of kings and tome.

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