3ICE's Hell TD Download & Discuss

You can submit your maps here. Both finished and unfinished submissions are welcome.
Forum rules
Finished maps:
• Submitting your own map(s):
One map per topic please! (Or we will have a hard time finding out which comment is for which map)
You can leave your Username@Realm so people can contact you in game. (eg.: 3ICE@USEast, 3ICE@Northrend)
Write a description and don't forget to post some screenshots. (Images and videos are worth a thousand words)
• Submitting a map not made by you:
Do not claim it as yours. We'll find it out (sooner or later) anyway.
Ask the maker to submit it himself is possible.
Or at least let the maker know that his map has a topic here, so he can benefit from your comments and bug reports. (Or request the thread be deleted for whatever reason*.)

Unfinished maps:
You are welcome to post your unfinished maps here and ask for help.
We will look at the map and tell you whats wrong with it or how to continue editing it.

Important/cool maps and big projects will have their own forum category inside. (Like the 3ICE's Maze Designer category)
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Re: 3ICE's Hell TD Download & Discuss

Unread post by OrcSlayer101 »

:) I find it funny how you always answer my questions with Google links. I'll check it out though
The Slayer Of Orcs...

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Re: 3ICE's Hell TD Download & Discuss

Unread post by 3ICE »

By the way I'm not an artist, I'm a coder. My best model so far is a 100x100 cube with animated (scrolling) sides. I made one for each terrain type (16 total) to beautify 3ICE's Maze Designer v11 and they take up 2kb each. I want to keep my maps under 50 kb so they can be downloaded in one second even with a dial up modem. But to stay under 50kb I can't use big imported models or sounds.

Most models cost hundreds of kilobytes. For example:
Crystal_Infernal.mdx = 160kb (+portrait+skins)
3ICE's Hell TD.w3m = 176kb

If you subtract the model size from the map size you end up with a funny result: The entire map would only take up 16kb if it didn't have imports. Adding just one model increased the size over tenfold. (And pushed it past my 50kb limit 3 times.)

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Re: 3ICE's Hell TD Download & Discuss

Unread post by SHiNNiNG_FaiTH »

3ICe dont yell at me if you cant do it yourself please.jpg
3ICe dont yell at me if you cant do it yourself please.jpg (152.86 KiB) Viewed 15041 times
APM Spamming mineral fields is fun!

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Re: 3ICE's Hell TD Download & Discuss

Unread post by 3ICE »

shinning_faith wrote:3ICE dont yell at me if you cant do it yourself.jpg (152.86 KiB) Viewed 104 times
Yeah well... quality is more important to me than size. And as dictator I don't have to follow all the rules I impose upon my subjects.

Last bumped by 3ICE on Tue May 28, 2013 1:56 pm.

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