The Harhaven Project

You can submit your maps here. Both finished and unfinished submissions are welcome.
Forum rules
Finished maps:
• Submitting your own map(s):
One map per topic please! (Or we will have a hard time finding out which comment is for which map)
You can leave your Username@Realm so people can contact you in game. (eg.: 3ICE@USEast, 3ICE@Northrend)
Write a description and don't forget to post some screenshots. (Images and videos are worth a thousand words)
• Submitting a map not made by you:
Do not claim it as yours. We'll find it out (sooner or later) anyway.
Ask the maker to submit it himself is possible.
Or at least let the maker know that his map has a topic here, so he can benefit from your comments and bug reports. (Or request the thread be deleted for whatever reason*.)

Unfinished maps:
You are welcome to post your unfinished maps here and ask for help.
We will look at the map and tell you whats wrong with it or how to continue editing it.

Important/cool maps and big projects will have their own forum category inside. (Like the 3ICE's Maze Designer category)
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The Harhaven Project

Unread post by Nuby »

Read more about the project in my RotD forum topic
Map Layout
Amendments will most likely be made.

Basically, Harhaven is a map related to various maps such as DotA, Hero Wars, and RotD; any ideas taken from a map will be credited. This is how you play:

You can upgrade the Haven Raiders to attack the other team, and you can upgrade your Haven Guardians to defend from the Haven Raiders both through the following: movement speed, attack speed, damage, armor, quantity that spawns at once (only goes up to 8 for lag reasons), and their health. Every time you upgrade a certain part of the Haven Defenders' stats twice the Raiders stats will also go up in that attribute once. [NEW]

• If you win you will be sent to the other team to aid them in combat, as well as acquire a code to move on to the next campaign. [NEW]

• If you lose you just sit there and watch the other team play, or if the other team has already won and they have attempted to aid you in battle, and you still lose, not only will you have lost (duh) but the other team's players will also have lost 6 experience points. [NEW]

• There will be a save/load experience system (partial credit to RotD) so you can choose better heroes depending on your experience; each death decreases experience by 1, each raider kill increases experience by 2, each hero level up increases experience by 1, each hero kill increases experience by 4, each win increases experience by 12, each loss decreases experience by 6, and every item bought gives 1 experience.

• You can upgrade your hero in several ways: Damage, by doing the Weaponry Merchants' quests; Attributes, by accomplishing the Attribute Trainers' requirements; Leveling up, again by accomplishing some of the Attribute Trainers' requirements.

• There are four shops: the Attribute Trainers, one trainer to each team, simply gives you quests (every quest completed is a requirement completed) to acquire better attributes; the Weaponry Merchants, one to each team, gives you quests (every quest completed is a requirement completed) to buy or receive better weaponry; the Bodyguard Managers, two to each team, both give different types of bodyguards (or units) to aid you in your efforts to fend off oncoming raiders; and the Ticket Treant, from which you buy a Ticket to entire the creeping grounds (where all heroes from both teams may attack each other) to gain experience.

• The more experience each team possesses the better upgraded the Haven Raiders and the weaker the Haven Defenders start out at (balancing part for newcomers (partial credit to RotD)).

• Each teams' heroes can not cross over to the opposing team's side (to stop this from being called another Hero Wars and/or a DotA rip-off).

• They goal of the game is to keep the raiders from getting to your entity.

Once there was a great Azeroth Haven, where all creatures, strong and weak, demonic and angelic, lived in harmony. Then one day, they came... the raiders of Lord Bose, the most horrific and fowl army of demons ever to set foot in Azeroth! So hungry for power in, Bose and his army have razed almost every Haven out there, and have sieged every known kingdom in the East. Now, they have found the last few Havens in all of Azeroth: Gunzen, the haven of discovery; Nezerdeth, the haven of secrey; Butzenale, the haven of knowledge; and yours- Harhaven, the haven of defense. Unfortunately they have just located your haven. Now they challenge your haven's title. Are you strong enough to fend them off? Or will they raze your haven and destroy everything you stand for? The battle for survival, is at hand.

Read more about the project in my RotD forum topic
Last edited by Nuby on Sun May 01, 2011 6:02 pm, edited 7 times in total.
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Re: Battle for Harhaven

Unread post by 3ICE »

To anyone who wants to see, the map has a very nice topic here: ... haven#5232

-opening your map now-

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Re: Battle for Harhaven

Unread post by SHiNNiNG_FaiTH »

t_eve unit enters region (x)
t_co unit-type comparison - triggering unit
t_act unit - issue order target a point

the event is self explanitory as to were the comarison unit should just be set to what unit type you want active, or select the unit yourself(this method could take time.)
the point is just another region issuing a new target to move to.
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Re: Battle for Harhaven

Unread post by 3ICE »

Nice work SHiNNiNG_FaiTH! (Yes, that WAS sarcasm...)

To send them to a random point you need:
One by one One by one
t_ugr Unit Group - Pick every unit in (Units in team 1 lane <gen> owned by Player 12 (Brown)) and do (Actions) t_emp t_act Loop - Actions t_emp t_emp t_uni Unit - Order (Picked unit) to Attack-Move To (Random point in team 1 lane <gen>)
Do the above once after spawning all raiders. (2 times per 20 sec)
Together Together
t_ugr Unit Group - Order (Last created unit group) to Attack-Move To (Random point in team 1 lane <gen>)
Do the above once after each Create Unit action. (6 times per 20 sec)

As for the memory leaks, you can fix them. (Each order leaks one random point.)

This map looks like a "Hold the Line!" clone, so you might want to have everything just attack move to the castle.

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Re: Battle for Harhaven

Unread post by 3ICE »

Here is the map with working raiders for both teams:
(46.46 KiB) Downloaded 891 times
The file size is 6.12 kb smaller, but I swear I didn't delete anything. I just have my MPQ compress ratio set to maximum as opposed to default.
I even changed the map name from "Just another Warcraft III map" to "Battle for Harhaven" and Suggested players to

I did not fix your regions. (You need to make them smaller, they should not cover the unpathable terrain at the map edges.)

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Re: The Harhaven Project

Unread post by 3ICE »

Your loading screen has the wrong URL. It should be:

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Re: The Harhaven Project

Unread post by Nuby »

3ICE wrote:Your loading screen has the wrong URL. It should be:
I know :P
It's to attract intelligent people, not dumb###es like me (when you enter that in it takes you to a page that shows three websites (2 lead to and 1 leads here) so if they're smart they'll choose =P
But yeah, I noticed that. Would you like me to change it?
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Re: The Harhaven Project

Unread post by EqualiseR »

3ICE is sleeping due to the fact that he has a very important exam tomorrow, and as you probably know, he is Hungarian, so times are obviously different.

Anyways, I speak for 3ICE when I say it would be best to have the URL as short as possible (, as to create more traffic to this site without having to complicate matters.

.*.• EqualiseR •.*.
Last edited by EqualiseR on Tue May 03, 2011 3:25 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: The Harhaven Project

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