CraftWorld water physics bug + crash

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CraftWorld water physics bug + crash

Unread post by 3ICE »

I sent this email to 2point0studios:

Your game is awesome (all there versions.) I have a water physics bug to report:

Jumping out of water launches you ridiculously high in the air. When you land, you usually die from fall damage. I did.

Then I died repeatedly, trying to get back to my dropped items on the shore. Failed, gave up. Do items ever despawn?

Started over from nothing (at least I had cobble). After recovering I went out exploring again, but had a crash an hour into it. Here is the log from that:

Pan cannot be set on a 3D sound. To ensure a 2D sound avoid calling Apply3D and ensure Pan is set before the first Play call.

at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Audio.SoundEffectInstance.set_Pan(Single value)
at AudioManager.ActiveSound.set_Pan(Single value)
at AudioManager.PlaySound(String soundName, Single volume, Single pitch, Single pan)
at AudioManager.PlaySound(Sounds soundName, Single volume, Single pitch, Single pan)
at HazzahBlock.Entities.Player.TakeInputAndMovePlayer(GameTime in_GameTime, Vector2& Movement)
at HazzahBlock.Entities.Player.Update(GameTime in_GameTime)
at Craft_World.Source.Gameplay.GameplayScreen.Update(GameTime in_GameTime, Boolean otherScreenHasFocus, Boolean coveredByOtherScreen)
at GameStateManagement.g_ScreenManager.Update(GameTime in_GameTime)
at Craft_World.MainGame._InnerUpdate(GameTime in_GameTime)
at Craft_World.MainGame.InnerUpdate_FREE(GameTime in_GameTime)
at Craft_World.MainGame.Update(GameTime in_GameTime)

Memory used : 33,49687
World Size : 0,09
Time Played : 02:05:44.8863982
Seed : 805
Creation Date : 2016. 01. 26. 21:42:22
Version :

Belt items : WO_ Stack of: 1 WorkBench with ID: 2780
WO_ Stack of: 1 String with ID: 2662
WO_ Stack of: 50 DarkLeaves with ID: 2683
WO_ Stack of: 4 Apple with ID: 2705
WO_ Stack of: 2 Snow with ID: 2745

Bag items : WO_ Stack of: 11 Gravel with ID: 2747

Player : Pos: {X:3917,505 Y:62,90907 Z:3780,723} Health: 100 Velocity: {X:0 Y:0 Z:0}
Holding :

Settings :
Trial ModeFalse
Update Frame Count : 250247
Draw Frame Count : 250724

[14:37:52:128] ***** CraftWorld FREE ******
[14:37:52:128] Free: 2.12
[14:37:52:244] Craftworld settings load.
[14:37:52:260] Engine settings load.
[14:37:52:260] Initialize and LoadContent took 25,9443 ms
[14:37:52:852] The Splash screen has been started
[14:37:57:232] Loading Command System
[14:37:57:395] Craft manager started successfully.
[14:37:57:765] Craft manager content loaded succesfully.
[14:37:58:500] Generate Content took 479,0355 ms
[14:37:58:616] Craftworld settings load.
[14:37:58:623] Engine settings load.
[14:37:58:669] The main menu has been started
[14:37:58:787] Failed to load content for an object see error below
[14:37:58:787] Unknown entity type. Please ensure this all enums match all class names ERROR
[14:37:58:799] Failed to load content for an object see error below
[14:37:58:799] Unknown entity type. Please ensure this all enums match all class names WoodBow5
[14:37:58:799] Failed to load content for an object see error below
[14:37:58:799] Unknown entity type. Please ensure this all enums match all class names WoodBow6
[14:37:58:799] Failed to load content for an object see error below
[14:37:58:799] Unknown entity type. Please ensure this all enums match all class names WoodBow7
[14:37:58:799] Failed to load content for an object see error below
[14:37:58:799] Unknown entity type. Please ensure this all enums match all class names WoodBow8
[14:37:58:799] Failed to load content for an object see error below
[14:37:58:799] Unknown entity type. Please ensure this all enums match all class names WoodBow9
[14:37:58:837] Failed to load content for an object see error below
[14:37:58:837] Unknown entity type. Please ensure this all enums match all class names DyeBottleFill
[14:37:58:843] Failed to load content for an object see error below
[14:37:58:843] Unknown entity type. Please ensure this all enums match all class names PatchLogBook
[14:37:58:849] Failed to load content for an object see error below
[14:37:58:849] Unknown entity type. Please ensure this all enums match all class names DebugBomb
[14:37:58:849] Failed to load content for an object see error below
[14:37:58:849] Unknown entity type. Please ensure this all enums match all class names MAX_TYPES
[14:37:58:849] Failed to load content for an object see error below
[14:37:58:849] Unknown entity type. Please ensure this all enums match all class names None
[14:37:58:849] Failed to load content for an object see error below
[14:37:58:849] Unknown entity type. Please ensure this all enums match all class names StoneStep
[14:37:58:849] Failed to load content for an object see error below
[14:37:58:849] Unknown entity type. Please ensure this all enums match all class names WoodLadder
[14:37:58:849] Failed to load content for an object see error below
[14:37:58:849] Unknown entity type. Please ensure this all enums match all class names IronLadder
[14:37:58:849] Failed to load content for an object see error below
[14:37:58:849] Unknown entity type. Please ensure this all enums match all class names WoodDoorOpen
[14:37:58:849] Failed to load content for an object see error below
[14:37:58:849] Unknown entity type. Please ensure this all enums match all class names TrapDoorOpen
[14:37:58:849] Failed to load content for an object see error below
[14:37:58:849] Unknown entity type. Please ensure this all enums match all class names Lantern
[14:38:07:272] Just pressed options screen
[14:38:07:278] Just called exit main menu screen
[14:39:21:091] Opened Game
[14:39:21:180] Initializing Physics Engine
[14:39:21:310] Blank World Created
[14:39:21:310] Initialising World
[14:39:21:461] Loading inventory manager
[14:39:21:481] Belt window loaded correctly.
[14:39:21:481] Inventory window loaded successfully.
[14:39:21:481] Player crafting window succesfully created.
[14:39:21:481] Player Loading
[14:39:21:481] Loading Player from file
[14:39:21:510] Successfully loaded player from file.
[14:39:21:531] Start Threads
[14:39:21:534] Loading Book Manager
[14:39:21:546] Start Threads Done
[14:39:21:565] Loading Book Manager
[14:39:21:565] Loading Book Manager
[14:39:21:572] Loading Book Manager
[14:39:21:660] Pause window loaded successfully.
[14:39:24:770] Workbench window successfully created.
[14:42:09:066] Game is now saving
[14:42:09:077] 2 of 81 regions saved
[14:49:01:779] Smelter window successfully created.
[14:58:16:200] Game is now saving
[14:58:16:208] 5 of 81 regions saved
[15:03:27:368] Game is now saving
[15:03:27:369] 5 of 81 regions saved
[15:07:56:514] Game is now saving
[15:07:56:520] 6 of 81 regions saved
[15:10:20:296] Game is now saving
[15:10:20:312] 8 of 81 regions saved
[15:10:58:377] Game is now saving
[15:10:58:384] 4 of 81 regions saved
[15:11:09:208] Game is now saving
[15:11:09:209] 2 of 81 regions saved
[15:11:14:185] Game is now saving
[15:11:14:190] 2 of 81 regions saved
[15:11:32:816] Game is now saving
[15:11:32:819] 3 of 81 regions saved
[15:14:01:606] Game is now saving
[15:14:01:626] 10 of 81 regions saved
[15:16:14:179] Game is now saving
[15:16:14:185] 3 of 81 regions saved
[15:17:15:414] Game is now saving
[15:17:15:429] 11 of 81 regions saved
[15:17:31:804] Game is now saving
[15:17:31:814] 10 of 81 regions saved
[15:18:59:037] Game is now saving
[15:18:59:046] 11 of 81 regions saved
[15:19:32:497] Game is now saving
[15:19:32:508] 11 of 81 regions saved
[15:20:00:710] Game is now saving
[15:20:00:735] 10 of 81 regions saved
[15:22:22:596] Game is now saving
[15:22:22:626] 14 of 81 regions saved
[15:23:29:950] Workbench window successfully created.
[15:24:47:787] Game is now saving
[15:24:47:824] 14 of 81 regions saved
[15:25:13:257] Game is now saving
[15:25:13:268] 10 of 81 regions saved
[15:25:27:832] Game is now saving
[15:25:27:848] 9 of 81 regions saved
[15:25:34:675] Game is now saving
[15:25:34:679] 9 of 81 regions saved
[15:25:53:026] Game is now saving
[15:25:53:044] 10 of 81 regions saved
[15:27:57:319] Game is now saving
[15:27:57:355] 17 of 81 regions saved
[15:28:16:807] Game is now saving
[15:28:16:825] 10 of 81 regions saved
[15:28:21:531] Game is now saving
[15:28:21:553] 10 of 81 regions saved
[15:28:33:849] Game is now saving
[15:28:33:858] 9 of 81 regions saved
[15:28:42:405] Game is now saving
[15:28:42:439] 9 of 81 regions saved
[15:28:59:754] Game is now saving
[15:28:59:786] 9 of 81 regions saved
[15:29:57:946] Game is now saving
[15:29:57:969] 12 of 81 regions saved
[15:32:19:427] Game is now saving
[15:32:19:429] 5 of 81 regions saved
[15:34:24:006] Game is now saving
[15:34:24:010] 4 of 81 regions saved
[15:35:32:758] Smelter window successfully created.
[15:35:32:759] Workbench window successfully created.
[15:38:16:538] This object has no space!
[15:38:56:719] Smelter window successfully created.
[15:38:56:719] Workbench window successfully created.
[15:40:37:349] Game is now saving
[15:40:37:369] 5 of 81 regions saved
[15:43:35:957] Game is now saving
[15:43:35:976] 8 of 81 regions saved
[15:43:53:399] Smelter window successfully created.
[15:43:53:413] Workbench window successfully created.
[15:47:32:174] Smelter window successfully created.
[15:47:32:176] Workbench window successfully created.
[15:50:19:447] Game is now saving
[15:50:19:448] 7 of 81 regions saved
[15:51:57:414] Smelter window successfully created.
[15:51:57:415] Workbench window successfully created.
[15:53:20:361] Game is now saving
[15:53:20:365] 3 of 81 regions saved
[15:53:33:031] Game is now saving
[15:53:33:034] 2 of 81 regions saved
[15:54:43:682] Game is now saving
[15:54:43:688] 12 of 81 regions saved
[15:55:12:957] Game is now saving
[15:55:12:975] 9 of 81 regions saved
[15:56:53:972] Workbench window successfully created.
[15:57:17:880] Game is now saving
[15:57:17:887] 4 of 81 regions saved
[15:57:34:826] Pan cannot be set on a 3D sound. To ensure a 2D sound avoid calling Apply3D and ensure Pan is set before the first Play call.

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Posts: 2632
Joined: Sat Mar 01, 2008 11:34 pm
Realm: Europe
Account: 3ICE
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Location: Hungary

Re: CraftWorld water physics bug + crash

Unread post by 3ICE »

They never replied. Fuckers.

Also, their game is dead now. I still have it on one of my two phones, but no website, no cloud saves, no wiki / online game guide, no activity anywhere.
It was a solid MineCraft rip off for phones. Free to play too!

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