New Reforged 2.0 update

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New Reforged 2.0 update

Unread post by DieKralle »

Maybe you are already aware but since the Warcraft 3 Reforged 2.0 update came out, most RPG Maps are in some way broken. For example Masin RPG (english version). When you load the map every unit is invisible and can't be selected.
Some have made the correlation to Grabitis RPG creator being one of the causes, since almost every rpg map uses it and they are as of now broken.
The dev of english Masin RPG also made a guess that it has to do with the .slk files, any map that uses them.

What are your thoughts? Maybe you could give us all with your vast knowledge about programing languages the solution to the problem.

PS: I don't know where this type of topic would fit so I decided to post it here. Sorry in advance.
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Re: New Reforged 2.0 update

Unread post by 3ICE »

The new reforged classic graphics option is the most likely candidate to take the blame for this. All affected maps will need to be repaired. Reimport the models if necessary, definitely don't widgetize after saving.

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