Can't install Bonjour Service

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Can't install Bonjour Service

Unread post by DieKralle »

I deinstalled and reinstalled Warcraft 3 Reforged and wanted to play on LAN, but a window pops up telling me that it needs Bonjour to continue, but after I click install it doesn't install it. How can I solve this problem?

Edit: I got it to work, but I don't know how. It failed everytime before that. Anyways problem solved.
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Re: Can't install Bonjour Service

Unread post by 3ICE »

If memory serves, it's a window focus issue... Wc3 sometimes fails to alt tab out to the installer so it stays in the background. Will work on second try. Or if you manually minimize WarCraft.

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Re: Can't install Bonjour Service

Unread post by DieKralle »

I‘ve tried 20+ times to install it and it didn‘t do it.
It ALT tabbed out but the window for warcraft 3 froze for about 5-10 seconds and then a new install prompt appeared, likely because the one before that failed. After I clicked it in then again did the same sequence (froze —> install prompt —> failing). After the third time it stopped enitrely and displayed a „try again“ window inside of warcraft 3. There was also the chance that after failing the third try it disconnected me from Battle.Net entirely.
I deinstalled and reinstalled it twice, deleted the created „Bonjour“ folder which it didn‘t recognize on any of the attempts (it always created it on the first attempt but it kept trying to install it even though the folder was already there)
Inside the folder was only one .exe file nothing else.
I then reinstalled it a third time but this time I deinstalled warcraft 3 using Revo Uninstaller which cleaned everything related to the installation. On top of that I manually downloaded „Bonjour Printer Services“ and installed it first before attempting it again. On the fourth attempt it finally installed it properly. I then checked if it installed it because I had preinstalled a similiar service before trying to install „Bonjour“ from warcraft 3. So I uninstalled „Bonjour Printer Services“ and „Bonjour“ from warcraft 3 and tried again. This time it worked on the first try which surprised me but also made me a bit annoyed on why it didn‘t just work the first time.
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Re: Can't install Bonjour Service

Unread post by 3ICE »

Thank you for the detailed deception. One thing to note; Printer service is something else. Not related to WarCraft.

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