[Windows7] Hosting Maze Designer

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[Windows7] Hosting Maze Designer

Unread post by 3ICE »

This is a PM conversation between NoahDaPwner and myself. It is fairly entertaining and might help others too:
3ICE wrote:Please don't revive very old topics. I had to delete your post.

You could be hosting it yourself: http://3ice.hu/host/
NoahDaPwner wrote:yeah, the game is not on my account i cannot host it because it is not downloaded, i hit the download thing on the one page but when the world editor opened, i got an error and when i play the actually warcraft 3 i cant find it on the create game menu.
Note: That's because the map is protected.
3ICE wrote:I thought everyone knew how to dl maps... Place it in your Maps\Download folder!
NoahDaPwner wrote:uhh...how?
3ICE wrote:Copy/Paste or select war3's folder when you are asked where to save the map.
NoahDaPwner wrote:im not getting asked to save the map
3ICE wrote:Use a better browser then. IE sucks.

By the way I said "Copy/Paste or [...]" so you should have tried Copy/Paste as well. (It works even if your browser doesn't.)
NoahDaPwner wrote:i dont know what IE is and how do i copy and paste? im sorry i suck at this...
NoahDaPwner wrote:oh, Im not using internet explorer, im using windows explorer( i think)
and I know how to cpy and paste, but what is it that im copying and pasting?
3ICE wrote:You are using IE. Windows explorer is for browsing files and folders, not the internet.

You are copying "3ICE's Maze Designer v10.6.w3m" from wherever it currently is to Warcraft 3's MapsqDownload folder.
I made a typo! MapsqDownload != Maps\Download (Why "q"? Because to type "\" I have to press three keys: CTRL+ALT+Q, but I did it too quickly and the computer only registered CTRL+Q, which does nothing special, just types a "q".)
NoahDaPwner wrote:where would a find warcraft's mapsqdownload at?
3ICE wrote:Sorry?
NoahDaPwner wrote:*sigh* you know, I used to think I was a computer wiz till i had this conversation....
3ICE wrote:Computer wizards usually know where a game's folder is. And even if they don't, they can always inspect a shortcut to see where it points to. For example: C:\Program Files\Warcraft III\ is Warcraft 3's folder.
NoahDaPwner wrote:wait so, i should look for said file on the internet and not in windows explorer?
windows explorer is what i was previously using all this time.
3ICE wrote:No. You already have the map downloaded, so why download it again?
NoahDaPwner wrote:ok i found the maps file, i put it in there but when i open up the game it's still not there.
3ICE wrote:Send me the full path to the map file +including the filename.
NoahDaPwner wrote:>computer>HP (C:)>Program files>warcraft 3>Maps>download.
the file is 3ICE's maze designer v10.6
3ICE wrote:Is that a Windows Vista? Eek!

If you have already disabled UAC, then I don't know what else could be wrong. But most people don't know how to disable it (or even what it is!) and so they are seriously fucked by Microsoft's little LetMeAnnoyYouUntilYouBleedToDeath(v0.1b) feature. So see what's up with your UAC and kill that little bugger if it is still enabled. It is doing you no good anyway. (Except keeping your blood pressure (too!) high.)


UAC sucks and will not be making your life easy.

(Same for Windows 7)
Yes: I hate UAC this much. (And Microsoft doesn't even plan fixing UAC on Vista, so... To all Vista users: Owned!)

To be continued...
Last edited by 3ICE on Tue Jan 26, 2010 5:40 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: "NoahDaPwner and myself", not "myself and NoahDaPwner" (This is a good rule: Don't put yourself first when listing participants - it makes you look selfish.)

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Re: [Windows7] Hosting Maze Designer

Unread post by NoahDaPwner »

neat! I stared a new topic!
but i was using vista....

Edited by 3ICE: Adding latest PM:
NoahDaPwner wrote:alright i turned off the user account control thing and opened up warcraft the game is still not there...
there's no theart to my security when this thing is turned off right?
Last edited by 3ICE on Thu Jan 21, 2010 7:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: added pm

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Re: [Windows7] Hosting Maze Designer

Unread post by 3ICE »

You wouldn't know when to click No/Disallow anyway, so there is no security gained through allowing UAC to slow you down by asking stupid "Are you really sure you wanted to do that, champ?" questions.

Next step: Post a screenshot of the Maps\Download folder as it appears in Windows explorer and post a screenshot of the Maps\Download folder as it appears in-game.

Edited by 3ICE: Adding latest PM (again)
NoahDaPwner wrote:i can not/dont know how to take a snapshot.
Stop PMing, use http://forum.3ice.hu/viewtopic.php?t=425

If you are told to save in the GIF format, ignore that and use PNG -- much better!
Snipping tool doesn't work in warcraft, so you've got to do it the old fashioned way. (Print screen -> paint)

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Re: [Windows7] Hosting Maze Designer

Unread post by NoahDaPwner »

ok... so how do i post it?

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Re: [Windows7] Hosting Maze Designer

Unread post by 3ICE »


Or just upload it.
OrJustUploadIt.png (3.82 KiB) Viewed 16946 times

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Re: [Windows7] Hosting Maze Designer

Unread post by NoahDaPwner »

here you go mr.3ICE
sorry about the poo thing, i couldn't resist
sorry about the poo thing, i couldn't resist
file.jpg (172.75 KiB) Viewed 16987 times
files.jpg (107.73 KiB) Viewed 16973 times
Last edited by 3ICE on Thu Jan 21, 2010 7:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Embedded the attachments in-post to prevent table breakage.

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Re: [Windows7] Hosting Maze Designer

Unread post by 3ICE »

Well, isn't it just a little too suspicious that you only have 4 maps in the Download folder, yet in-game you have like 2000?

Why is that? You are @ the wrong Maps\Download folder. This is (also) why I hate Vista - folders aren't real!

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Re: [Windows7] Hosting Maze Designer

Unread post by NoahDaPwner »

so... what do i do next?

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Re: [Windows7] Hosting Maze Designer

Unread post by 3ICE »

Find the real folder with search. Easiest way is finding all files with the w3x extension. The real folder should be somewhere inside your "Users" folder like 6 levels deep. That's how much Vista sucks. (level six suck)

My guess is that it'll be here:
Local Disk > Users > NoahDaPwner > AppData > Local > (Temp) > VirtualStore > Program Files (x86) > Warcraft III

Fuck Vista.

EDIT: This is common sense, but once you found the real folder, move the 4 maps (including Maze Designer) to there.

EDIT2: Also if you want you can organize that folder.

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Re: [Windows7] Hosting Maze Designer

Unread post by NoahDaPwner »

my brother will help me find it in a minute, right now he's playing his game.

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