"Game refreshed..." a rant (Barely, but fits in one message on Bnet.)

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"Game refreshed..." a rant (Barely, but fits in one message on Bnet.)

Unread post by 3ICE »

Why do some new admins insist on making the bot spam "Game refreshed..."? Like we don't have enough spam already! Not saying "Game refreshed..." does NOT affect the autorefresh! So let the bot do it in silence! Save our sanity, turn refresh messages off!

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Re: "Game refreshed..." a rant (Barely, but fits in one message on Bnet.)

Unread post by OrcSlayer101 »

Problem for me is that my bot doesnt refresh at all :| It just stays at the bottom of the list
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Re: "Game refreshed..." a rant (Barely, but fits in one message on Bnet.)

Unread post by 3ICE »

Yes, that happens to me as well. Doesn't bother me though, my games fill up very fast.

The hostbot is always at the bottom of the list. Even right after creating it.
And that is actually a very convenient feature! Just makes it easy for me to find my own games.

EDIT: You can google the problem for an explanation: site:codelain.com+game+bottom+list It was an eye opening experience.
Last edited by 3ICE on Sat Jul 30, 2011 9:25 am, edited 2 times in total.
Reason: curiosity wins!

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Re: "Game refreshed..." a rant (Barely, but fits in one message on Bnet.)

Unread post by OrcSlayer101 »

Aha so it only shows it at the bottom for me!? Thanks never new that lol
Google FTW
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Re: "Game refreshed..." a rant (Barely, but fits in one message on Bnet.)

Unread post by 3ICE »

And Blizzard FTL. They sort games by ping, that is good, but they do it in the wrong order! The best, 0 ms games go to the very bottom, the awesome 16ms games above them, and the terrible 3000 ms games get the top spots! Weird...
Conclusion: Faking a high ping would put the hostbot on the top of the list.

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Re: "Game refreshed..." a rant (Barely, but fits in one message on Bnet.)

Unread post by OrcSlayer101 »

Well thats allright because I always have a high ping :)
The Slayer Of Orcs...

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