Mine Defense (text export)

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Mine Defense (text export)

Unread post by 3ICE »

I found strings never shown in game, while looking around in the source code for a not so obvious progress-blocking "requirement". Here's some lore:

Code: Select all

//3ICE: Created with:
for (var name in MD.ORACLE_TEACHINGS){
    str += MD.ORACLE_TEACHINGS[name].name+" - ";
    str += MD.ORACLE_TEACHINGS[name].text+"\n";}
Wisdom of the Magi - It is rumored that mages of great power can be hired... but you lack gold.
True Potential - Mages are capable of so much more than fighting - but they cannot work alone, consider hiring more.
Pick Enhancement - You notice your pickaxe has strange slots - perhaps finding more gems will help you learn what they are for.
Bigger and Better - Greater beasts exist in this world than those you've seen. More gold is the key.
Financing Insects - Rumor holds that great insects roam distant lands, followed by swarms of ants. Perhaps they would appear if you had more gold.
Infestation - Rumor holds that great insects roam distant lands, followed by swarms of ants. Perhaps hiring more ants would attract some.
Arachnophobia - The goblins seem to be recruiting reinforcements. Perhaps they'll see you as a worthy target once you acquire more ants.
Goblin Overkill - The goblins seem to be recruiting reinforcements. Perhaps they'll see you as a worthy target once you kill more goblins.
Why? - How do you not have more mages? What are you doing? Buy some!
Inner Darkness - The mages appear to be growing... darker with each passing moment. Every second they spend fully charged brings them closer to their goal.
Arcane Magic - All living things can learn to create mana, but only if they're imbued with enough power. Keep going.
From the Depths - It is said that with enough mana, mages can summon powerful creatures to do their bidding.
Physics is Overrated - Mages aren't the only magic users around. Perhaps if you imbue your servants with more power something else will show up.
The Ants Go Marching - You need a few alchemists before they really figure out what's what.
Sandshrew Swarm - Word on the street is that Sandshrews fetch a high price. If you get 1000, maybe you'll attract a buyer.
Hive Expansion - I feel like your 200th Hive Queen will be a real breakthrough.
Strange Compulsion - I have a strange feeling that you'd benefit from far more Bagger 288s.
Breaking Ground - All champions of industry have to start somewhere. Lay some dirt and see what you can build.
Rock Out - The age of the bagger has ended. Turn your attention to golems of rock, and you shall be rewarded... with rock.
Wyvern Mount - Great quantities of stone and gold are required to build the next structure.
Wyvern Mount - Wyverns must fill the sky before one can hope to build them a home.
Tower of the Magi - Your mages wish for a place to call home - but they lack mana.
Tower of Stones - Your mages wish for a place to call home - but they lack stone.
Full House - Your mages wish for a place to call home - but you need more of them first.
Kingdom - You wish to build monuments to show the lands your strength... perhaps you need more iron to build them with?.
Steel - You have a feeling that perhaps iron and coal are not the best you can forge, but your mages haven't yet discovered how.
More Statues - Your mages have learned much - but you need more statues to implement your findings.
Steel For Civilization - You are on the edge of a great civilization, and it will be founded on steel.
Where's the People? - Your kingdom is kind of quiet, given that every living soul is working in the mine.
To War! - Throughout history, great empires have had one thing in common. Going into other lands and messing people up. Perhaps with a bigger population they would find the courage to fight?
Technology - All great armies need weapons, and when your enemies grow too powerful, other strategies might come in handy. Win a few more campaigns and see what you learn.
Education - A great society needs more than just killing, but learning as well. Perhaps a rare reward from campaigns will get you started.
Reverse - You should probably hire a lot more goblins.
Reverse 2 - Almost there - a few more goblins.
Reverse 3 - You have enough goblins... you're just not killing them fast enough. Why not level up your smelting pit a bit more?.
Adamantium Overload - Your adamantium supplies are a little low. I bet if you had a whole bunch of wyverns, they could find some more.
Farm 1 - Some days you wake up and just think... I need more land. You can farm it once you've won it.
Farm 2 - More land! More!! To grow food for you armies.
Hunting Time - I hear there are some new farmlands around. Maybe you can grow something interesting on them...
Dragons - You've acquired a sudden interest in dragons. If you had more mages, they could teach you about them.
Dragons 2 - Your mages have suggested that you could share in the power of dragons... but until you win more battles, they won't respect you.
Fire Shrine - You've begun to understand to strength of dragons of flame - build their shrine!
Dragons 3 - You have learned to acquire the power of flame. But that isn't all - you need more alchemists.
Dragons 4 - Your mages have suggested that you could learn more of the dragon's power... but until you win more battles, they won't respect you.
Water Shrine - You've begun to understand to strength of dragons of the sea - build their shrine!
Machinist - Some of your brightest minds think you could actually build mages... they need some water essence for their experiments.
Dragons 5 - The earthen dragons have much to offer... but you need to do more manual mining. There are also rumors that if you get enough woodpeckers, they'll click for you...
Dragons 6 - Your mages have suggested that you could learn more of the dragon's power... but until you win more battles, they won't respect you.
Earth Shrine - You've begun to understand to strength of dragons of earth - build their shrine!
Graveyard - You think you might be able to automate attacking in some way... but you need to lose more men to learn more.
Dragons 7 - The most powerful dragons of the sky have taken interest in you... but you are lacking gold.
Dragons 8 - Your mages have suggested that you could learn more of the dragon's power... but until you win more battles, they won't respect you.
Lightning Shrine - You've begun to understand to strength of dragons of lightning - build their shrine!
Egg - You have finally learned enough to actually raise a dragon. Why not build a nest?
Baby - Food makes a dragon grow... but it needs a strong earth shrine to learn to walk.
Child - Food makes a dragon grow... but it needs a strong fire shrine to learn to breathe.
Youngling - Food makes a dragon grow... but it needs a strong lightning shrine to learn to soar.
Novice - Food makes a dragon grow... but it needs many brothers to learn to hunt.
Master - Food makes a dragon grow... but it needs a great deal of essence to understand itself.
Hireling Upgrades - Rumor speaks of great rewards for having one trillion of a hireling. Perhaps it's time to investigate.
Split - Your dragon has chosen a path... but it needs a strong shrine to achieve its potential.
Imperial - Your dragon is mighty beyond belief... but it seeks the spirit of masters of all the elements.
Majestic - Your dragon is mighty beyond belief... but it seeks a great population, military triumph, and great spirit.
Eternal - Your dragon is mighty beyond belief... but it seeks great essence and powerful buildings.

Code: Select all

for (var name in MD.DRAGONS){
    st += MD.DRAGONS[name].name+": ";
    st += MD.DRAGONS[name].description+"; ";
    st += MD.DRAGONS[name].power+"\n";}
Egg: A large egg sits in a nest of dirt and straw. Perhaps it will hatch if you feed it.; This dragon doesn't do a whole lot... but you do seem to find more stone.
Hatchling: A small green dragon has hatched from the egg. It doesn't seem to be good for much, but boy can it eat!; Food production is slightly increased with this guy around.
Baby: Aww... it's like a sweet little baby lizard... with razor sharp claws and a rock solid carapace.; Damage taken to your wall is reduced with the baby around.
Child: Your dragon is beginning to stretch its wings. It's now almost as large as the wyverns.; Regal statue rewards are increased due to dragon scouting.
Youngling: Ah, the teenage years. Your dragon is a tad rebellious... and who are you to argue with a 20,000 pound dragon?.; The reward for killing goblins is much better with this dragon around.
Novice: No longer a child, your dragon fights with precision and strength, with claw and flame.; Your soldiers fight much better with the novice dragon at their head.
Master: You have learned that a dragon has its own choices to make in life. Choose wisely how you nurture it, for its future is at stake.; Your soldiers fight with great vigor with this mighty beast soaring overhead.
Fire: Your dragon begins to take on a distinct red hue, and his flames melts steel instantly.; Fire essence gain is increased with this dragon around.
Blazing: Flames ripple up and down the great red dragon, many hirelings have died simply from being nearby.; Fire essence gain is greatly increased with this dragon around
Inferno: A nightmarish beast of flames, almost too bright to look upon, your dragon has reached a mastery of flame never before seen.; Fire essence gain is supercharged with this dragon around
Water: Your dragon has taken poorly to the transition, cuts appear in its skin, and the flames it spits are damp and weak.; Water essence gain is increased with this dragon around.
Aquatic: The cuts have revealed themselves as a functioning set of gills - your dragon sweeps freely through the seas, and breathes boiling hot steam when angered.; Water essence gain is greatly increased with this dragon around
Torrential: A true master of the storm, your dragon's wings creates small typhoons and its enemies fall as crumpled husks as the water is drained from them.; Water essence gain is supercharged with this dragon around
Earth: Breathing fire takes a backseat as your dragon seems to put all of its energy into becoming a stone.; Earth essence gain is increased with this dragon around.
Terrene: Your dragon is now many times larger than the fiercest earth titan, and crevices snake out from its footfalls.; Earth essence gain is greatly increased with this dragon around
Terrestrial: Your dragon becomes long and narrow like a massive world eater, churning through the earth and leaving trails of molten lave in its wake.; Earth essence gain is supercharged with this dragon around
Lightning: Lightning replaces fire when your dragon roars, and sparks ricochet across the walls when it passes metal buildings.; Lightning essence gain is increased with this dragon around.
Electric: In the peak of its rage, your dragon seems to blur and vibrate, as if it is actually formed of lightning.; Lightning essence gain is greatly increased with this dragon around
Thundering: Thunder falls continuously for miles around the dragon, and anything standing too close is disintegrated in a flash.; Lightning essence gain is supercharged with this dragon around
Imperial: A true king of dragons, its voice cracks with thunder and the earth quakes at its steps.; Your mages find far more gem inspired by this dragon.
Majestic: A dark purple dragon, coated in dark molten gems and fatal simply to look upon for all but the strongest warriors.; Your soldiers fight with an inhuman fury with this dragon leading the charge
Eternal: You have done well. Your dragon is the most powerful creature to set face upon the earth. You shall reap rich rewards having such a beast in your care, and your name will be forever remembered as the one who gave rise to the beast king of Mineria. Its sacrifice will release a power never before known.; The powers of this dragon are far reaching, altering many aspects of your kingdom.

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Re: Mine Defense (text export)

Unread post by 3ICE »

The requirement was much more obvious in the code:

Code: Select all

new MD.OracleTeaching("Novice","Food makes a dragon grow... but it needs many brothers to learn to hunt.",function() {
  return MD.HIRELINGS_OWNED[11] >= n("100M")
Text hint: "many brothers"
Actual requirement: 100000000 wyverns — I never would have guessed!

I did have 700k just by randomly transmuting gems with an idle alchemist but it takes hours to farm and convert those gems. (Solution: Creating 23.717K Wyverns per second from 4.493K Majestic Gems)

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