Adblock styling filters are written like so:
Code: Select all
<domain.tld> + #$# + <CSS selector> + { <CSS style> }$#a{color:red}
I use uBlock Origin, and both answers work for me.I found this on StackOverflow wrote:Just avoid putting a space between the selector and the opening brace. Because it can give you some trouble.
Here is an example of a CSS rule that changes Twitter background:If that's not working for you, here is another way to change an element's style:Code: Select all$#body.logged-in{ background-color: #ffcc00 !important; }
Make sure not to use curly brackets.Code: Select all blue !important)
Here are two examples of the two potential style fixers I can use on the bad website:
Code: Select all !important)$#body.modal-open{ overflow:scroll !important; }