Adding Unit to H

The perfect one step solution for creating Ice/Sliding Mazes in both Reign of Chaos and The Frozen Throne. It is the only decent system around and it even works in RoC, is lagfree, perfectly optimized, fast and reliable. The included TerrainKill feature frees you from the tedious task of creating a thousand kill-regions.
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Adding Unit to H

Unread post by DarkJustice12 »

3ICE stupid question here but...i kinda forgot how to add Units to H...Q.Q

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Re: Adding Unit to H

Unread post by 3ICE »

Already answered here.
3ICE wrote:Looks like you need to read the instructions I provided with my sliding system. Specifically the "how to add units to the H unit group to make them slide" section. Here is the quote:
You: I want to slide monkeys/cows/bunnies. Can I do that?
3ICE: Yes you can! Here's how it's done:
3ICE: Look at the trigger called Setup1
3ICE: Every unit that is added to the "H" unit group will slide on ice and die on snow.
3ICE: So if your heroes aren't Demon Hunters, you will have to change H:
3ICE: Set H = (Units of type Monkey/Cow/Bunny)
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