Attack of da squares!

You can submit your maps here. Both finished and unfinished submissions are welcome.
Forum rules
Finished maps:
• Submitting your own map(s):
One map per topic please! (Or we will have a hard time finding out which comment is for which map)
You can leave your Username@Realm so people can contact you in game. (eg.: 3ICE@USEast, 3ICE@Northrend)
Write a description and don't forget to post some screenshots. (Images and videos are worth a thousand words)
• Submitting a map not made by you:
Do not claim it as yours. We'll find it out (sooner or later) anyway.
Ask the maker to submit it himself is possible.
Or at least let the maker know that his map has a topic here, so he can benefit from your comments and bug reports. (Or request the thread be deleted for whatever reason*.)

Unfinished maps:
You are welcome to post your unfinished maps here and ask for help.
We will look at the map and tell you whats wrong with it or how to continue editing it.

Important/cool maps and big projects will have their own forum category inside. (Like the 3ICE's Maze Designer category)
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Attack of da squares!

Unread post by DarkJustice12 »

3ice sup man this is the map i was getting your help with awhile back and i am making it work now :) i would like you people to dl it and test it out "only set for 3 players"
if any of you got an idea for the map i am open for suggestions and i will give credits!
Attack of the Squares!.w3x
notice it isnt even near being done
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Re: Attack of da squares!

Unread post by Candlejack »

There are two of the "A Nightelf" units that are owned by Player 1.

The Icon for the hero is a Moonwell.

Red has 2 heroes.

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Re: Attack of da squares!

Unread post by 3ICE »



That is quite the map size... Remember that your map quality is not defined by imports, but by how fun it is to play.
Putting 03 Lazer Tag feat. Rio.mp3 in your map was a mistake. Your map will be rated down because of the awful music...

Your map is NOT protected properly. Here is a tutorial:

In the editor:

Putting the currency symbol "¤" in the map title breaks internal string replacements in WC3 and the editor, I suggest you use a different symbol, such as ▀ or ▄ or █ or □ or ▫.

Similarly, putting an exclamation point (!) symbol in the map's file name breaks URLs. (%21)

You are using EqualiseR's Terrain Kill system. It leaks more memory than WC3's system requirements (minimal and suggested) combined together: p=2969

People associate the checkered cube model with error, not with oh hey this is a cube. Consider reskinning it.

The way creeps kill players is calculated by using a circle model not a square. The cubes' vertices are not deadly, but its edges and sides are. This will cause people to die. A lot.

Incorrect trigger folder/category spelling: "Tele's". Correct spelling: "Teles" or "Teleports".

Same with ¤'s, it should be ¤s. Look up Greengrocers' apostrophes on Wikipedia.

This is a TFT map yet you use RoC if/then/else constructs in the t_tri Kill NotPlaying Players trigger.

Only red can see the map.

You don't need t_gam Game - Set time of day speed to 0.00% of the default speed, if you have t_gam Game - Turn the day/night cycle Off.

t_tri Level 2 Tele 3 has a t_wai wait call in it. (The others don't.)


Spam death messages because you Kill instead of Remove the leavers.

I can select Footmen (cubes), but I can't select my hero. Fix the locust implementation.

Windwalk ran out just as I stopped next to the "A Nightelf" cannon. It wasn't fun. Give them true sight so players can't windwalk past them.

I lost. There doesn't appear to be a defeat mechanism. Add a trigger for it.

I won. The map is possible to beat using a touchpad. (My mouse is broken.)


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Re: Attack of da squares!

Unread post by DarkJustice12 »

well! i shall work on it Mr. 3ICE!
EDIT: any suggestions on wich T-Kill i should use 3ice?

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Re: Attack of da squares!

Unread post by 3ICE »


or fix the memory leaks in Eq's

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Re: Attack of da squares!

Unread post by DarkJustice12 »

im too lazy to fix that..i shall use your's!

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