Clan 3ICE

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Clan 3ICE

Unread post by 3ICE »

Yes after my 3 years long hiatus I, 3ICE was persuaded by EqualiseR and SHiNNiNG_FaiTH into making another clan.

And what better name to give it than that of my own!

Clan 3ICE @USEast

History lesson:

    My first clan was a mazer clan, called mFH. It was originally created by steveelias and 10 of his friends. The clan became an immediate success and he ran it for years, with a member count always close to 100. And while being the leader of a very successful and honored clan (the clan tag mFH means: Mazers for Honor), he also had the time to create dozens of maps!

    Then I came along... After I have been shaman (because I ran the clan website and forums, had bots, extra cd keys, a lot of map making know-how, and was very, very active) in mFH for a few months, he transferred control over to me.

    That is how I became the chieftain of mFH, soon to be known as the biggest mazing clan on! A month after my coming to power, we already had over 300 members with more people asking to join every day. We had to create a second and a third clan to fit all the newcomers in, and getting moved from mFH2 to mFH3 and then finally to the main clan, mFH was considered the same as a promotion (from peon to grunt to raider).

    mFH was famous for the grand tournaments we held periodically, to decide who gets to be shaman for three months. We even allowed outsiders to compete, the tournament was not just for mFH members. Leading positions in mFH3 were also awarded to winners, that is how Mazer_Froz earned chieftain position in mFH3. He won the second tournament.

    Other shamans: Avatarunit58 (mapmaker, also known as Ava58 later), Eletro (very skilled map maker), EqualiseR (map maker and close friend), I_mOck_death (very active player for years, map maker, co-authored my Kodo Tag map), mikechaos (techie, also chieftain of mFH2), SHiNNiNG_FaiTH (very active, close friend, skilled player), steveelias (the original chieftain of mFH), YoDA_ (very good mazer), YzRiDeR72 (he races motorbikes for a living now)

    We held and fought in clan wars too. 6 of our best versus 6 of their best competed, purely for bragging rights. (Who is the best clan!)

    Many beautiful months, (even years!) have gone by until...

    Things started to get out of control. People kept coming to mFH to recruit, attempting to lure or outright steal our members away to their smaller clans, by offering free shaman positions. In response to this, I started making fake accounts and destroying the offending clans to bolster our ranks with all their peons and grunts, which raised suspicion. (I kept my identity a secret, but not many people know how to kill a clan, and I might have suggested Clan mFH as an alternative to the now clanless people...) Our reputation as a clan fell.

    Managing so many members became very difficult, my bot kept getting disconnected because it couldn't keep up with all the spam. And not all people understood the concept of having mFH2 and mFH3. I set up bots in Clan mFH2 and Clan mFH3 with a script to ban everyone that joins, letting them know in a friendly manner that they should come to the main channel; Clan mFH instead. People did not like this, however.

    After a month of enduring the painful clan drama, 3ICE along with Clan mFH disappeared.


And now I'm back!

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Re: Clan 3ICE

Unread post by SHiNNiNG_FaiTH »

my idea >.>
my name <.<
APM Spamming mineral fields is fun!

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Re: Clan 3ICE

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Re: Clan 3ICE

Unread post by SHiNNiNG_FaiTH »

3ICE wrote:Shamans:

^^ aka 2ICE
consitering joining on real main acc but not sure yet =P
APM Spamming mineral fields is fun!

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Re: Clan 3ICE

Unread post by 3ICE »

Good morning! (I just woke up)

I can't shaman 2ICE, it would cause confusion. (3ICE taking two shaman positions for himself + chieftain? That is half the leadership! -- 3ICE -- 3ICE[Bot] -- 2ICE -- are too similar names.)

You have to join on your main account to get the shaman spot. EQ already did. He will be shaman 1 day earlier than you :P (Silly 7 days probation period...)

I can't keep track of all these alts you guys have :) I only have one account I play on, and that is 3ICE. (Lets ignore the fact that I used play on new alts every day, shh...)

EDIT: All those bots we created the clan with will be kicked after the 7 days wait is over. I only want real, active members.

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Re: Clan 3ICE

Unread post by EqualiseR »

Clan logo:
Clan 3ICE.jpg
Clan 3ICE.jpg (83.81 KiB) Viewed 19571 times

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Re: Clan 3ICE

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Re: Clan 3ICE

Unread post by EqualiseR »

Do you consider this better?

Not as far as size, cause as you can clearly see it is 37 KB larger.
Clan 3ICE.jpg
Clan 3ICE.jpg (120.65 KiB) Viewed 19477 times

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Re: Clan 3ICE

Unread post by 3ICE »

I like my decimals.
36.84KB bigger

I like them both, actually.

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Re: Clan 3ICE

Unread post by EqualiseR »

None of them were 36.84 -- 84.36 maybe.

Make it official.

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