help me anyone wiht senseable answers

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help me anyone wiht senseable answers

Unread post by evilwormy »

when im at school what are some way that i can calm down from fuck heads annoying me so much or with out me punching their lights out because im only 15 and i need to no ways to calm my self down unless i wanna get suspended.
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Re: help me anyone wiht senseable answers

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Count to ten and walk away?
Cale'anon:Have you seen a little girl-
Prince: I'm Afraid now is not the time to indulge in your desires, brother.
Cale'anon: No, i'm not-
Prince: You are an amusingly odd fellow, Cale'anon, my hope that the vulii kill you swiftly before remvoing your skin.

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Re: help me anyone wiht senseable answers

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yea i wish it was that easy m8 but no even i i do walk away they will follow me and then today in sports i was just about to punch a kid in the head a use that anger on him cuz he was fucking pissing me of today so plz any other sudd\\ggestions
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Re: help me anyone wiht senseable answers

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I am so unsocial I never have problems with anger management :) The first time we meet, people try talking to me but I'm so passive they just give up after seeing they cannot pull anything out of me longer than a sentence. I never get beaten up, because I never seek trouble and I'm friendly with everyone. Nobody mocks me, because I give them no reason to. (Except sometimes they make note of how serious my face looks all the time, but it doesn't count as mocking) I live in my own world, silently observing humanity and despising them for how pathetic they are. I never tell anyone anything negative though.
Of course elementary school was a nightmare but it can be survived. The above writing only applies to mid and high schools. My life between 6 and 14 sucked.

Okay enough about me, let's see what can we do with your problem:

First of all you must be respectful, give them no reason to annoy you. (You can assign the mob to a new victim, by pointing at him and telling the mob to "go mess with someone else". This is of course not too good, because then the new guy will have it. But at least you yourself are safe)
If they are annoying, tell them straightforward that they are unfair with you and you are sure they would hate to be in your position now. ("You assholes go the fuck away" is not the solution! You entertain them by saying that and you must avoid being an entertaining victim. Be as boring as you can, show no feelings, ignore pain, hide all emotions and be as empty as possible (Running away is also good)
You can threaten them. Say that you would tell on them if they didn't stop. (Which of course can get you into even deeper shit. UNTIL you tell on them and they get suspended!)
Being a boring victim is the best solution I can offer.

If your marks are bad and your past is not white there is little you can do but join the mob and make somebody's life as miserable as yours was before joining forces with them.

Pros and cons of being the victim of elementary school idiots:
Negative: You lose the ability to trust people and begin thinking that everything is against you.
Positive: This makes you strong and ready for life and adulthood. Adults are exposed to much worse situations, so by suffering in elementary, you actually prepare for all the sucking life will be, later.

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Re: help me anyone wiht senseable answers

Unread post by evilwormy »

well thanks for the advice but you seen the thing is im usally really quiet at school and i have average grades and on tuesday i kinda retaleated and said fuck of you cunts sorta and threw a school diary at one of them and i was about to punch him in the face but then something stoped me but i dunno what and i was gonna talk to my really close friend tom about it but then i realized he was at tafe that day or so
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Re: help me anyone wiht senseable answers

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live in my own world, silently observing humanity and despising them for how pathetic they are.
Knives or legato from Trigun.

You sound like your from some kind of anime

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Re: help me anyone wiht senseable answers

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I know 2 solutions.

This is looked down on, but depending on the situation, you might want to discuss it with an adult at your school.

Second solution, don't care about it.

Life is life, and what happens in life is also a part of life.

You live your own life you make your own decisions, decide on what is right.

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Re: help me anyone wiht senseable answers

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There's also the solution of making yourself a difficult target. Ignore them, If you ignore them and don't respond to them then they will stop bothering you.

On the other hand, if your annoying as fuck it doesn't matter if you ignore them.

An easier way of living life is being care free, kind hearted, and motivated.

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Re: help me anyone wiht senseable answers

Unread post by evilwormy »

yea well you see umm iv been living in my own world all my life but yet it increases and these days it spills out and i relly need to calm down but there is no possible way to that i can think of that would be wel thanked
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Re: help me anyone wiht senseable answers

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