Need help with dialog/T-Kill/Ice Sliding

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Need help with dialog/T-Kill/Ice Sliding

Unread post by DarkJustice12 »

ok so i think we're all familiar with the "Area of ice escape 4" right? well i wanna make mazes just like that...just 1 downfall i dont have a t-kill like they use and idk how to make a hero within the H group because 3ice's sliding trigger wont add units to the H group
help anyone?

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Re: Need help with dialog/T-Kill/Ice Sliding

Unread post by 3ICE »

Welcome! :)

I am not familiar with that map, though I have heard its name before so it must be a good map.

Looks like you need to read the instructions I provided with my sliding system. Specifically the "how to add units to the H unit group to make them slide" section. Here is the quote:
You: I want to slide monkeys/cows/bunnies. Can I do that?
3ICE: Yes you can! Here's how it's done:
3ICE: Look at the trigger called Setup1
3ICE: Every unit that is added to the "H" unit group will slide on ice and die on snow.
3ICE: So if your heroes aren't Demon Hunters, you will have to change H:
3ICE: Set H = (Units of type Monkey/Cow/Bunny)
Additional information:

Edit: Oh, and if your heroes are spawned after map initialization is done, then you need to add them to the H unit group after they spawn, not on map initialization.

Edit: What is T-kill?

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Re: Need help with dialog/T-Kill/Ice Sliding

Unread post by DarkJustice12 »

T-Kill is Terrain Kill i got Equaliser's but it only works if i place the unit first and i dont wanna do that..i might go region but im not too sure at this point

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Re: Need help with dialog/T-Kill/Ice Sliding

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But my system has terrain kill built in... Why would you use two systems (and double the lag those tight timers cause), when one is sufficient?

Region kill is way too much work. It was feasible back in the day when quality mattered and thousands of people played, but today we mostly just make maps for ourselves and nobody else. So we cut corners whenever we can. Terrain kill is good enough.

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Re: Need help with dialog/T-Kill/Ice Sliding

Unread post by DarkJustice12 »

very well put good sir,...btw is Clan 3ice dead?

i also need 1 more thing idk if your familiar with this kind of triggering base but in Area of ice escape 4 when you die a circle of power pops where you died "the color of the player who die'd" and if you touch the circle of power they revive back at the level begining how do you set something up like that?
Last edited by 3ICE on Fri Jan 20, 2012 4:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Need help with dialog/T-Kill/Ice Sliding

Unread post by 3ICE »

Look at the run kitty run maps for the revive circle's triggering. I recreated that system once, from scratch, for practice, but I no longer have it (on this computer anyway).

Edit: Yes, I stopped playing again. I was hoping Clan 3ICE wouldn't die, because two shamans, sf and eq, were always online and I logged in once every month as well. But looks like something happened. I am just happy my friends are free from the bounds of an inactive clan.

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Re: Need help with dialog/T-Kill/Ice Sliding

Unread post by DarkJustice12 »

ok thank you very much and im also woundering this 1 thing, why cant i download the Xdep deprotect program? it keeps saying im missing a file

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Re: Need help with dialog/T-Kill/Ice Sliding

Unread post by 3ICE »

Because you are missing a file.

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Re: Need help with dialog/T-Kill/Ice Sliding

Unread post by DarkJustice12 »

but it wont tell me what file i am missing 0-0

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Re: Need help with dialog/T-Kill/Ice Sliding

Unread post by 3ICE »

Not so user friendly, is it...

So, I checked out eq's terrain kill you used, and found the following problem with it: #p2969 The main thing to take away from my analysis of memory leaks present in his system is the following: It leaks so much, the map will be unplayable in mere minutes. With 11 players, 3 564 000 points are leaked every hour. But don't expect to survive playing even half an hour in a map that has this many leaks.

Edit: Also, what dialog do you need help with? (Maybe post that in a new topic, as to not go over one page in this one.)

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