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Unread post by Ian »

Some interesting information:

Following successful testing of the new USEast/Azeroth hardware, we’ll be migrating existing game data to the new hardware this week.

10:00 a.m. PDT, Wednesday June 20 – 10:00 a.m. PDT, Thursday June 21
Expected ~24 hour maintenance duration

Please be aware that this is the currently scheduled maintenance period, and it could be extended if additional time is needed.

(Originally posted by Bashiok at the forum.)


After the servers came back online, everyone logged in to find that all the clan data of Warcraft 3 had been reset (I'm assuming this only occurred in USEast where the maintenance took place). Mass rage followed this event (of course).

I'm guessing that "new USEast/Azeroth hardware" includes a new hard drive, which means that the data hasn't been moved since the servers came back online ("we’ll be migrating existing game data to the new hardware this week"). That probably means that the clan data will be restored for us and we can put this whole thing behind us in a few days, but I thought I'd open this up for discussion anyway.

Does anybody have more information?
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Re: Clans

Unread post by 3ICE »

This looks like hell to fix. People are already making new clans with the old clan names, someone stole Clan Doom (an epicly old clan made in 2004).
Looks like Blizzard is going to have to pull a few all-nighters. But what are they going to do? Rollback? Merge copy with overwrite turned on? Or they might just decide to throw old clans out the window.
Boy am I glad it doesn't affect me.

I can't fathom how they must've stored the clan databases if the simple act of copying it over to a new hard drive broke everything. Or maybe they forgot to copy it over.

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Re: Clans

Unread post by Ian »

I don't know how they could forget to do it. I'd like to think that they just haven't done it yet. It seems more likely that the clan reset was done intentionally rather than an oversight.

FA1 had been around since 05, and one of our shamans managed to log on and recreate it using dummy accounts. It's too bad about clan doom though. I think another well known clan suffered the same fate from what I've read.
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Re: Clans

Unread post by Darktiger138 »

I saw Clan VaG up and running, but the clan I was in (ThP) tried to re-create with a different name but we're having issues with it, real pain in the ass in all honesty :evil: if Blizzard did it intentionally then they are fast heading up my list of hated game companies.
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Re: Clans

Unread post by FaMoUs »

We’ll be performing an approximate six hour maintenance on the USEast/Azeroth realm to rollback Warcraft III clan data to their pre-migration settings. This means that all clans will be set back to their original standing from June 20. No other games or data should be impacted as this rollback is specifically targeted to reset Warcraft III clans.

Maintenance will begin tomorrow morning at 9:00 a.m. PDT/12:00 p.m. EDT, July 3, and is scheduled to conclude no later than 3:00 p.m. PDT/6:00 p.m. EDT the same day.

You can find information on the original error that wiped all Azeroth Warcraft III clan data here: ... sid=3000#6
About time eh?

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