Stumbled upon this unlisted video. Wonder why it's not public...

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Stumbled upon this unlisted video. Wonder why it's not public...

Unread post by 3ICE »


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Re: Stumbled upon this unlisted video. Wonder why it's not public...

Unread post by 3ICE »

As someone who is more than two weeks behind the normal scheduled programming of my YouTube subscriptions, these "quickly Unlisted after upload" videos piss me right off. 99% chance I never get to see them unless linked to by a friend. This will quite possibly be the last comment to be posted on this video. Also; Nobody will read this :(

Then: Someone else liked this comment! Not the last ;)

Then: There's a "View all 3 replies button" above, but when I click it there's only two comments visible. This one and my previous. Who's the mysterious third comment belong to? You're invisible...


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Re: Stumbled upon this unlisted video. Wonder why it's not public...

Unread post by 3ICE »

Cody has been hit twice in a row (in quick succession) with community guideline strikes, (not even copyright, just for some "risky" video nonsense). YouTube put the fear of account termination in him so he preemptively deleted / unlisted a ton of his more interesting videos (explosives, poisons, acids, rockets, skirting the law, animal experiments, etc.) just so nobody can find a good enough excuse to report him with, for a third and final (fatal) strike. For example this one video about cyanide fell victim to the purge. And a lot more besides...
Fuck YouTube and its easily exploited automated machines. Creators should be protected, not threatened with this stupid "three strikes and you're out" system.

I survived my fair share of strikes, (more than three), but only because they were several months apart. I've had false DMCA takedowns (thankfully the disputes went through fine, albeit slowly), many mutes by the automatic Content ID system (mostly false positives or for supposedly free music I audioswapped from the free official YT audio library - there was one legitimate for which I opted to share revenues with the original artist), and a weird BS "community guidelines" one, merely for the use of the word "hack" in my video title. (Appeal refused without explanation, video taken down permanently - and completely deleted so I couldn't even download a copy of the original file. I didn't have a local backup either.)


Yt embed:

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