I hacked some maps. No I cannot legally share the files. But

You can submit your maps here. Both finished and unfinished submissions are welcome.
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Finished maps:
• Submitting your own map(s):
One map per topic please! (Or we will have a hard time finding out which comment is for which map)
You can leave your Username@Realm so people can contact you in game. (eg.: 3ICE@USEast, 3ICE@Northrend)
Write a description and don't forget to post some screenshots. (Images and videos are worth a thousand words)
• Submitting a map not made by you:
Do not claim it as yours. We'll find it out (sooner or later) anyway.
Ask the maker to submit it himself is possible.
Or at least let the maker know that his map has a topic here, so he can benefit from your comments and bug reports. (Or request the thread be deleted for whatever reason*.)

Unfinished maps:
You are welcome to post your unfinished maps here and ask for help.
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Important/cool maps and big projects will have their own forum category inside. (Like the 3ICE's Maze Designer category)
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I hacked some maps. No I cannot legally share the files. But

Unread post by 3ICE »

Here's my DBZ mod:

Code: Select all

  unit X3V_Goku3ICE=null //Edited by 3ICE.
  unit XZV_Vegeta3ICE=null
  unit Q_SpellTarget3ICE=null
  player GE_SpellTargetOwner3ICE=null
  trigger FY_RevertTriggerForRed3ICE=null
  trigger E4_RevertTrigger3ICE=null
  effect RX_LastCreatedEffect3ICE=null
  unit VE_TempUnit3ICE=null
  trigger MW_SpecialEffectsForSs4Transformation3ICE=null
  trigger XPV_SpecialEffectLeakCleanup3ICE=null

Code: Select all

  force          V=null //Protected by Vexorian's Map Optimizer
  timer          E=null
  timerdialog    X=null
  integer        O=0
  leaderboard    R=null
  force          I=null
  integer        A=0
  integer        N=0

  gamecache CACHE=InitGameCache("KeyBindings.w3v") //Has a cheatpack
  string Activator="-http://3ice.hu/" //I, 3ICE, stole it.
Edit: This is how you reverse-engineer protected maps. I figured out that: unit X3V is Goku, unit XZV is Vegeta, unit Q is a dummy unit so I named it SpellTarget, trigger MW becomes SpecialEffectsForSs4Transformation, player GE becomes SpellTargetOwner, etc.

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Re: I hacked some maps. No I cannot legally share the files. But

Unread post by 3ICE »

HWL donor status "unlocked" by reverse engineering the code generation algorithm..

Output with call DisplayTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0,0,EE[(1+GetPlayerId(GetTriggerPlayer()))])

Hidden Commands:|n|cFFFF0000-sfx sheep -sfx seal -sfx penguin -sfx stag -sfx wing -sfx wings2 -sfx wings3 -sfx wings4 -sfx wings5 -sfx hat -sfx hat2 -sfx hat3 -sfx hat4 -sfx hat5 -sfx poop -sfx ! -sfx spin -sfx fly -sfx tank -sfx tank2 -sfx tank3 -sfx tank4 -sfx cat -sfx tail -sfx tail2 -sfx mask -sfx flame -sfx blood -sfx ? -sfx death -sfx victory -sfx spell -sfx slam -sfx lvl -sfx dog -sfx heart -sfx frost -sfx sheep2 -sfx sandwich -sfx speed -sfx slow -sfx heads -sfx explode |n|n|r|cFFFFCC00-sfx remove |r|cFFFFFF00Use this command to remove all sfx.|n|n|r|cFFFFCC00-sfx list |r|cFFFFFF00Use this command to show the list of sfx.|n|nI hope you are enjoying the map, again thanks for your support.|n|n|r|cFFFF0000<3|r|cFF00BFFF |r|cFF00FF00FarDaY
HeroWarsLeaguev1.1-hacked-by-3ICE.jpg (39.92 KiB) Viewed 12390 times

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Re: I hacked some maps. No I cannot legally share the files. But

Unread post by 3ICE »

DBZ again:

Stolen cheatpack notice:
call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(p2p,0,0,10,"
|cffff6666This map contains a cheatpack. Originally installed by the \"Brazil RPG Room\".\nInstead of removing it, I, |cffffcc003ICE|cffff6666, claimed it as mine.\n\nhttp://3ice.hu/\n

Edit notice:
|cff999999This protected map was edited by |cffffcc003ICE|cff999999 (|cff9999ffhttp://3ice.hu/|cff999999) for 20$.\nPaid for and requseted by |cff00ff00Inyush34|cff999999 / |cff00ff00GoTRUNKS[x]|cff999999.\n|r")

Injected code:

Code: Select all

function Debug3ICE takes string s returns nothing
  //Comment this out for the release version
  //call DisplayTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0,0,"|cffffcc003ICE|r's debug message: " + s)

function T1E_ss4_condition_NY takes nothing returns boolean //Edited by 3ICE.
    (GetUnitStateSwap(UNIT_STATE_MANA,X3V_Goku3ICE)>=100.)and(GetOwningPlayer(X3V_Goku3ICE)!=Player($F))and(BE[1]<5.) //Edited by 3ICE.
Modified code:

Code: Select all

function T2E_ss4_action_NY takes nothing returns nothing //Edited by 3ICE.
  call Debug3ICE("Goku default ss4 transformation main thread begin.")
  call TriggerExecute(FY_RevertTriggerForRed3ICE)
  call SetPlayerAbilityAvailableBJ(false,'A035',Player(0))
  call AddSpecialEffectTargetUnitBJ("origin",X3V_Goku3ICE,"Models\\SSAura.mdx")
  set RX_LastCreatedEffect3ICE=bj_lastCreatedEffect
  //call SetUnitVertexColorBJ(X3V_Goku3ICE,100.,65.,20.,0)
  call EnableTrigger(JY)
  set AE[1]=4.
  set BE[1]=4.
  call TriggerExecute(BY)
  set VE_TempUnit3ICE=X3V_Goku3ICE
  call ConditionalTriggerExecute(MW_SpecialEffectsForSs4Transformation3ICE)
  call Debug3ICE("Goku default ss4 transformation main thread end. Modelswapping...")
  //Added by 3ICE
  call UnitAddAbility(X3V_Goku3ICE, '3ICE')
  call UnitMakeAbilityPermanent(X3V_Goku3ICE, true, '3ICE')
  call IssueImmediateOrder( X3V_Goku3ICE, "metamorphosis" )
Revert code:

Code: Select all

function UOE_RevertActionForRed takes nothing returns nothing //Edited by 3ICE.
  call Debug3ICE("Revert begin.")
  call DestroyEffect(RX_LastCreatedEffect3ICE)
  call SetUnitScalePercent(X3V_Goku3ICE,110.,110.,110.)
  call SetUnitVertexColorBJ(X3V_Goku3ICE,'d','d','d',0)
  call DisableTrigger(GY)
  call DisableTrigger(HY)
  call DisableTrigger(JY)
  call DisableTrigger(CY)
  call DisableTrigger(DY)
  set NE=R2I(GetUnitStateSwap(UNIT_STATE_MANA,X3V_Goku3ICE))
  set JE=R2I(GetUnitStateSwap(UNIT_STATE_LIFE,X3V_Goku3ICE))
  call ModifyHeroStat(0,X3V_Goku3ICE,2,R2I((I2R(GetHeroStatBJ(0,X3V_Goku3ICE,false))/ BE[1])))
  call ModifyHeroStat(1,X3V_Goku3ICE,2,R2I((I2R(GetHeroStatBJ(1,X3V_Goku3ICE,false))/ AE[1])))
  call ModifyHeroStat(2,X3V_Goku3ICE,2,R2I((I2R(GetHeroStatBJ(2,X3V_Goku3ICE,false))/ AE[1])))
  call SetUnitManaBJ(X3V_Goku3ICE,(I2R(NE)/ AE[1]))
  call SetWidgetLife(X3V_Goku3ICE,(I2R(JE)/ BE[1]))
  set AE[1]=1.
  set BE[1]=1.
  call EnableTrigger(DY)
  call Debug3ICE("Revert end. Undoing modelswap...")
  //Added by 3ICE
  call UnitRemoveAbility(X3V_Goku3ICE,'3ICE')
Alt thread code:

Code: Select all

function NBX_ss4_action_W3 takes nothing returns nothing //Edited by 3ICE.
  call Debug3ICE("Goku default ss4 transformation alt thread begin.")
  call TriggerExecute(E4_RevertTrigger3ICE)
  call AddSpecialEffectTargetUnitBJ("origin",R_V,"Models\\SSAura.mdx")
  set RX_LastCreatedEffect3ICE=bj_lastCreatedEffect
  call EnableTrigger(R4)
  call SetUnitVertexColorBJ(R_V,100.,65.,.0,0)
  set AE[1]=4.5
  set BE[1]=4.5
  set AE[2]=4.5
  set BE[2]=4.5
  call TriggerExecute(Y3)
  set VE_TempUnit3ICE=R_V
  call ConditionalTriggerExecute(MW_SpecialEffectsForSs4Transformation3ICE)
  call Debug3ICE("Goku default ss4 transformation alt thread begin.")
Misc code lines:

Code: Select all

set Q_SpellTarget3ICE=GetSpellTargetUnit() //Edited by 3ICE.
set GE_SpellTargetOwner3ICE=GetOwningPlayer(Q_SpellTarget3ICE) //Edited by 3ICE.
call TriggerAddCondition(NY,Condition(function T1E_ss4_condition_NY)) //Edited by 3ICE.
call TriggerAddAction(NY,function T2E_ss4_action_NY) //Edited by 3ICE.
call TriggerAddAction(W3,function NBX_ss4_action_W3) //Edited by 3ICE.

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Posts: 2632
Joined: Sat Mar 01, 2008 11:34 pm
Realm: Europe
Account: 3ICE
Clan: 3ICE
Location: Hungary

Re: I hacked some maps. No I cannot legally share the files. But

Unread post by 3ICE »

18 players patch for Lords of Europe (2.1.6-3ICE):

Code: Select all

//   Map Author: Corristo & 3ICE

    trigger                 gg_trg_Test_Stuff_by_3ICE  = null

	set udg_integers01[PLAYER_NEUTRAL_AGGRESSIVE+1]=bj_groupCountUnits //Fixed by 3ICE
	call SetPlayerState(Player(PLAYER_NEUTRAL_AGGRESSIVE),Zu,IntegerTertiaryOp(false,1,0)) //Fixed by 3ICE

	set Dr=GetPlayerName(Player(PLAYER_NEUTRAL_AGGRESSIVE)) //Fixed by 3ICE
	set Hr=udg_integers01[PLAYER_NEUTRAL_AGGRESSIVE+1] //Fixed by 3ICE

Code: Select all

function Ot takes nothing returns nothing
//BEGIN: Fixed by 3ICE
	call SetPlayerTechResearched(Player(PLAYER_NEUTRAL_AGGRESSIVE),1382573157,1)
	call TriggerSleepAction(100.00)
	call SetPlayerTechResearched(Player(PLAYER_NEUTRAL_AGGRESSIVE),1382575461,1)
	call SetPlayerTechResearched(Player(PLAYER_NEUTRAL_AGGRESSIVE),1383035489,5)
//END: Fixed by 3ICE

Code: Select all

		call CreateNUnitsAtLoc(6,1747988554,Player(PLAYER_NEUTRAL_AGGRESSIVE),GetUnitLoc(GetTriggerUnit()),bj_UNIT_FACING) //Fixed by 3ICE

	call SetPlayerName(Player(PLAYER_NEUTRAL_AGGRESSIVE),"|cff333300Barbarians|r") //Fixed by 3ICE

Code: Select all

	//BEGIN fix by 3ICE
	call SetUnitInvulnerable( GetTriggerUnit(), true )
	call TriggerSleepAction( 0.01 )
	call SetUnitInvulnerable( GetTriggerUnit(), false )
	//END fix by 3ICE

	set et=Player(PLAYER_NEUTRAL_AGGRESSIVE) //Fixed by 3ICE
	call CreateUnit(et,1747989592,-12096.0,-10624.0,270.000)

Code: Select all

//BEGIN: Fixed by 3ICE
	call CreateUnit(Player(12),1868921189,-11331.6,4987.7,270.000)
	call CreateUnit(Player(17),1868921189,-11331.6,4987.7,270.000)
//END: Fixed by 3ICE

		exitwhen nt>PLAYER_NEUTRAL_AGGRESSIVE //Fixed by 3ICE

Code: Select all

	call TriggerRegisterPlayerChatEvent(udg_trigger21,Player(12),"1",true) //Fixed by 3ICE
	call TriggerRegisterPlayerChatEvent(udg_trigger25,Player(17),"5",true) //Fixed by 3ICE

	call TriggerRegisterPlayerEvent(udg_trigger27,Player(12),EVENT_PLAYER_LEAVE) //Fixed by 3ICE
	call TriggerRegisterPlayerEvent(udg_trigger27,Player(17),EVENT_PLAYER_LEAVE) //Fixed by 3ICE

Code: Select all

//Fixed by 3ICE BEGINS
	call TriggerRegisterPlayerStateEvent(udg_trigger28,Player(12),PLAYER_STATE_RESOURCE_GOLD,GREATER_THAN,10000.00)
	call TriggerRegisterPlayerStateEvent(udg_trigger28,Player(17),PLAYER_STATE_RESOURCE_GOLD,GREATER_THAN,10000.00)

	call TriggerRegisterPlayerStateEvent(udg_trigger29,Player(12),PLAYER_STATE_RESOURCE_LUMBER,GREATER_THAN,7000.00)
	call TriggerRegisterPlayerStateEvent(udg_trigger29,Player(17),PLAYER_STATE_RESOURCE_LUMBER,GREATER_THAN,7000.00)
//Fixed by 3ICE ENDS

Code: Select all

// Abilities: Aall (Shop Sharing), EditorSuffix (Editor Suffix)
{(* Map recovered by 3ICE *)}

// Units: hlum (Lumber Mill), EditorSuffix (Name - Editor Suffix)
{(* Special thanks to 3ICE *)}

// Units: oeye (TSEB EHT SI ECI3), Name (Name)

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